Thursday, May 25, 2006

Won't You Be My Neighbor? Part II

Remember last month when I wrote about all my neighbors, including how I didn't know what exactly was going on in the apartment across the hall but it seemed kind of shady and maybe like nobody was living there at all? (Here's the link to that post)
About a week later I was walking out of my apartment and there was a guy knocking on the door across the hall and he asked me, "Hey, do you know the guy that lives here? His name is Roland, he works for Budweiser. Do you know if he's usually home at this time?" I said no, that I didn't know him and had no idea when he was home and when he wasn't, and then I went about my business and didn't think anything else about it.

But then this afternoon I was cleaning my apartment and there was a knock on my door. I opened it and there was a cop standing outside. After wrangling my attack basset back into the apartment (he wanted to lick the cop to death) I said hello and the cop said to me, "Do you know this guy? He lives across the hall from you. We're looking for him," and he showed me a print out of my neighbor's picture. I said that I recognized the picture and that the guy does in fact live across the hall but that I don't actually know him at all. Then the cop asked if I'd seen him around lately and I said I'd been out of town for the past week but that I never really see my neighbor anyway. [The last time I saw him was a couple of weeks ago when Chelsea, Matthew and I were outside talking one night and the neighbor stuck his head out into the breezeway to glare at us and then went right back inside. I don't know what the glare was for, we were talking in normal tones of voice and it wasn't even all that late at night. Humph.] I told the cop that I've only seen him a few times and have no idea how long he has actually been living there or whether he even lives there regularly at all. Then the cop asked me what kind of car he drives and I said I had no idea and the cop prompted, "Is it a silver Chevy truck?" and I told him that I actually don't think it is. To tell you the truth, I have no idea, but I'm sort of familiar with the cars that make up the view out my front window and I don't think a silver truck is regularly one of them. But like I said, I don't think this guy is regularly living in his apartment anyway.

So who knows. I wanted to ask what the cops want him for, but I figure the officer probably wouldn't give me that information even if I asked. At any rate, my closest neighbor is apparently a wanted criminal. Awesome.

Anyway, I have more to tell you and I know I'm still holding out on the story of how I befriended Mike's ex, but my friend Jenny from Forth Worth just got here and she's spending a couple of nights with me. So I'll update again in a few days, possibly with more Jenny-related adventures since you all know we're crazy together!

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