Saturday, May 06, 2006

Rose Tint My World

Time to get a happier entry at the top of this journal, don't you agree?

With all the melodrama on Thursday I kind of forgot to get excited about the fact that I finished the semester. Technically I'm not completely done. My Playwriting professor actually believes the rule that everyone needs to take a written final, so I have to show up to class on Tuesday afternoon and take my Playwriting final which is worth 0% of my grade. ZERO PERCENT. The whole thing really annoys me, it's such a waste of a perfectly good hour of my life, but whatever. At least I don't actually have to do anything but show up. So as of Thursday I was finished. I went to Dramaturgy, turned in my paper and final, and then went out for dinner and drinks with some of my classmates, and that was that.

The first week or so I'm out of school for the summer always feels so weird. I keep thinking that I need to be doing something right now and it feels really bizarre to just be able to read blogs or watch TV without having to feel guilty because I should really be working instead. I do have a few personal goals for myself over the summer. I need to start working on some things for Rocky Horror already, and I really need to catch up completely in my personal journal. I have a sick, sick journal obsession and have attempted to write an entry every single day for ten years now. Well, obviously, the whole every-single-day thing doesn't always happen. When I'm on vacation I don't always take my computer, when I have guests I tend to skip my nightly writing time, and when life gets really busy I just don't have time to journal, so on nights when I don't have time I just list a few things to help jog my memory later and then fill the entry in on another day when I have some free time to kill. What this means is right now, at this exact moment, I have about forty or so incomplete entries, some of them dating all the way back to Christmas time of 2004 and some of them as recently as spring break of this year. So my goal is to finally get caught up completely. Since it only takes five to fifteen minutes to write an entry, I figure if I just do five or six entries a day for a couple of weeks I should have no problem catching up, and I'd love to be caught up for real before I go to England. We'll see if I can actually make that happen.

So yeah, incredibly nerdy personal goals aside, I don't have any commitments over the next few weeks except for fun ones. That's such a great feeling.

Last night Matthew and I celebrated Cinco de Mayo by making ghetto tacos and drinking sangria. And by "ghetto tacos", I mean both Matthew and I are pretty much completely out of food in our apartments and too poor to go out to eat dinner (I just got a paycheck, but I'm trying to be somewhat careful with money until England), so we just scraped together everything we could find in our kitchens and realized that between the two of us we just barely had the ingredients to make some tacos. Ha. So we ate tacos and got nice and tipsy, and it was an enjoyable, if low-key, Cinco de Mayo.

Then today Mandi and I went to the Pecan Street Festival in Austin. It was so much fun, just walking around drinking and looking at all the art booths. I LOVE stuff like that. It made me miss Katy, since going to the Main Street Arts Festival was always our thing back when we were living in Fort Worth, and this was pretty much the exact same thing. Mandi and I had such a great time. We finished off our day by going to the Boiling Pot, which is one of those restaurants where they tie a bib around your neck and put butcher paper down on the table and then just pour a bucket of seafood onto the table and you go at it with your hands. It was awesome. So Mandi and I were sitting on the patio eating our seafood when a guy across the street caught Mandi's eye. She mentioned she thought he was cute, I agreed, and we continued eating. Well, five minutes later Mandi got up to go to the bathroom and when she turned around the guy was standing right behind our table! He had come all the way into the restaurant and onto the patio just to tell Mandi how beautiful he thought she was! I don't know whether to think he's just really gutsy or a little crazy, but he seemed sweet and I felt really bad for him when Mandi had to tell him she already has a boyfriend. The thing is, the compliment totally made her day (probably her entire week) so I take that as an example of how being gutsy is good. I mean, worst case scenario the person is already taken, but at least you tried, and you can know you gave them a great compliment.

Not that I'd ever do something that gutsy, but it's kind of refreshing to know that stuff like that happens in real life and not just in the movies.

Anyway, I'm gonna go. I have a full list of things to do tomorrow. Like, shopping. Yeah. And sleeping a lot. And anything else I want to do!

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