Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Quote O' the Day

Mom: In all the years I've been getting Playboy*, I think I've only seen a "Girls of the Ivy League" spread once. It's kind of sad, really, because a lot of girls at those Ivy League schools aren't that hot. It really does seem to be a brains or body thing a lot of the time.
Me: It's not just that, though. I think the bigger problem would be finding girls that would agree to be photographed naked. Because lets face it, the people who do agree to pose naked in magazines aren't usually the brightest Crayons in the box.

Shane: Hey, what about me?!
Mom: When did you pose naked?
Shane: Not yet, but I might.
[The conversation then went off on a different tangent. Ten minutes later]
Shane: So back to me posing naked...
Mom: Yes?
Shane: I'm not gonna lie, my body is pretty hideous.

Me: And?
Shane: What?
Me: That's it? There's not more of a story? You just had to get that line in there?

Shane: Yeah.

[One more, just for fun]
Background: Because we're total nerds, Chelsea, Shane and I are lying around my grandmother's pool playing that game where one person says "I'm going on a camping trip and bringing whatever" and makes up a rule and then the other people suggest stuff they're bringing and the rule maker says yes or no according to the rule and keeps bringing new things that fit the rule, and then eventually other people start to catch on and guess the rule and whoever the last one is to guess the rule loses. Do you know that game? I hope so, 'cause this is a really shoddy description of it. Anyway, we played a bunch of rounds of this game, and each time a new round would start, Shane would always say, "I'm bringing a...snake?" I don't know why he kept suggesting snake, but he'd say it all the time, even when it was already obvious that snake probably didn't fit the category. Finally I called him on it and said, "Stop saying you're going to bring a snake!" And then we started a new round and it was Shane's first guess and, well, the first guess doesn't require a lot of thought. Basically you just need to start suggesting random things to try to narrow down the pattern. So Shane was thinking and thinking and finally I was like, "Just say something!" and he said

"I can't. I keep wanting to say 'snake' again."

Ah, this family of mine...

*Incidentally, yes, my parents subscribe to Playboy. It actually comes to the house under my mother's name because she's one of those people that says she gets it for the articles and actually does read the articles. Also, this is a pretty typical dinner conversation with my family.

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