Thursday, December 14, 2006


I'm happy to report that I'm no longer dying.

This morning I got out of bed and actually felt like doing more than lying on the couch, as opposed to the past few mornings which involved downing a bunch of Dayquil and forcing myself to put clothes on.

I even went to a little party tonight, partly to celebrate the holidays and partly to celebrate my friend/professor who just earned her doctorate last week. There was a ton of homemade Greek food, sugar cookies with the best icing ever, and good wine, so I was really happy (and really stuffed; apparently I am completely incapable of stopping myself from eating plateful after plateful of spanakopita). I also talked to a lot of people who had sound advice about things to do with my life if and when I don't get into Ph.D. programs this fall, so I left feeling not only full and happy, but reassured.

I also read today that 2007 is going to be a sensual year for me. I can't wait!

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