Thursday, September 21, 2006

My Aching Back

Most of the time I love living alone. I love living alone so much that I can't really imagine ever wanting to share a place with someone else again unless there was going to be a lot of sex involved.
That's not to say that I wouldn't have a roommate again if it became financially necessary, because I know I could handle it. After all, Katy and I spent a great four years living together and I've enjoyed all the other short-term roommates I've had in my life, too. It's just that now that I've spent a year living on my own, I've realized how wonderful it really is to have MY space. I love it.

However, there are a few times that living alone is kind of a pain. Like when I'm trying to get dressed and there's something to be tied or zipped up in the back that I can't reach, or when I throw food away month after month because everything seems to come in portions too big for a single person to finish before it goes bad, or when there's a giant bug chillin' in my shower and I have to kill it myself (I pretty much always have to call someone for moral support when I'm on a bug-killing mission. I'm not sure why, since I don't think anyone really appreciates listening to me shriek over the phone). The biggest pain about living alone is the literal pain, though. Right now my back and shoulders are aching so badly. I can't figure out why. I don't think it's from my workouts since it isn't sore in a good way, and I would say it's just stress tension except that I'm not particularly stressed out right now. Busy, sure, but not actually stressed. Maybe I'm just sleeping weird? At any rate, my back hurts and all I really need is a back massage. It doesn't even have to be a good massage. But it's the middle of the night and I live alone, so that's not going to happen. I just spent an entire Lost episode stretching and doing every relaxation, tension-releasing move I've ever learned in a dance or acting class, and it helped for a while but I guess it wasn't good enough because I can feel the ache coming back. Bah.

I think I'm gonna go see if the basset hound feels like being a cooperative heating pad. He's really good at that, sometimes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never mind you calling me during a shrieking, bug killing mission. I think it's precious.
