Tuesday, July 25, 2006

This is Going Around

1. What made you smile today? The fact that it's raining right now, because it means that I can now rationalize that instead of being lazy for not taking my car to the car wash this afternoon I was just being smart!
2. What were you doing this morning at 8 a.m.? Sleeping, thankfully (I try my best to never see any morning hour before 9 a.m. And even that is too damn early, actually),
3.What were you doing 15 minutes ago? I was outside with the basset, because of course he decided he wanted to go out the minute it started to rain.
4. Something that happened to you in 1986? I was three years old through most of 1986, so I can't say I remember much. I was in Ms. Rice's preschool class and my best friend was Melissa de la Rosa. We took a family vacation to Disneyland with my cousins and I was terrified of pretty much every bit of it, especially the Tiki Room and the spinning tea cups. I actually remember that part. I don't really remember this part, but apparently I would only ride the It's a Small World ride over and over and over again, much to my father's chagrin. I spent a lot of time pretending that my Mickey Mouse doll was a baby (when I wasn't flinging him into oncoming traffic, which was apparently another young childhood habit of mine), and I had an actual baby brother on the way.
5. Your prom nights? My junior prom was okay. The best part of junior prom was actually all the fun I had helping to plan and decorate for it, since the junior class threw the prom for the seniors. It was pretty beautiful, actually (beautiful to 17 year old me, at any rate). I was single at the time and didn't have a date, but I went to the prom with Kristen and Melissa, my two best friends at the time. We had dinner at my friend Cassie's house with a bunch of other people and then we rented a trolley to take us to the dance. My biggest memory from the dance was how many times we heard that damn "Thong Song" by Sisquo that night. Remember how popular that piece of trash was?!
My senior prom was perfect. Absolutely everything a prom is supposed to be. Envision an ideal, fairy-tale prom night and that was my senior prom. Sure, the location was kind of lame and there was a lot of strangeness going on in my circle of friends at the time...let's just say that we'd all coupled up and to this day I believe that about half of the people I went with were with the wrong date...but my date was perfect. I was with Mike and when I look back on it now I realize we were just beginning to really fall in love with each other. I felt very pretty and special, we ate Italian food for dinner, Mike and I barely left the dance floor all night long (and he is not a dancer normally, so that's saying a lot), and then after the dance Mike and I got a hotel room at the Marriott and thinking about the rest of that night still makes my heart ache in the best possible way. I wouldn't have had it any other way.
6. Last thing you said aloud? "It's okay, Jose." (The cat is not a fan of storms)
7. Last thing someone else said aloud? The TV doesn't count, does it? If not, the last thing I heard someone say was, "Oh, it's raining!" (That was my upstairs neighbor, and judging by his tone of voice he was also talking to his dog. Why do all the dogs want to go outside when it starts raining?)
8. Worst thing currently on television: Flavor of Love. I cannot watch it. I seriously wanted to destroy things the few times I watched it at Chelsea's house because the stupidity of it makes me so frustrated with humanity that I can't even express it in words. Some things are so stupid that they're funny, but Flavor of Love crosses that line and is so stupid it just makes me want to kill myself.
9. What was in the mail today? My mailbox was empty today. Too bad.
10. How many different beverages have you drank today? A root beer at work and a Mountain Dew at the meal I ate at 4:00 that is doubling as lunch and dinner. No more soda for me today!
11. What is your favorite part of the day? It varies from day to day, but generally it's the part where I'm done with my to-do list for the day and I can just chill.
Ah man, where is number 12?!
13. Current to do list? Walk Cohen as soon as the sun goes down a bit more and it stops raining, then find more images and do a bit more research for my dramaturgy project so I actually have things to talk about with Jay in our meeting tomorrow (yikes!).
14. What color is your toothbrush? Pink and white
15. What is out your back door? My patio. On the patio is a cheapo plastic patio table and two chairs, a frog prince wind chime, and a Tony Hawk Pro Skater videogame DVD. I just noticed that lying out there this morning when I opened my blinds. The leaf blowers that come on Tuesdays love to blow everything onto my patio, so I actually need to go sweep. Although why the videogame was outside on the lawn in the first place is beyond me.
16. Any plans for Friday night? Not yet, because my manager is being lame and hasn't put up the new schedule yet so I don't know whether I'm off on Friday night or not.
17. Least favorite place to shop? Wal-mart. No amount of savings is worth braving the stupid crowds at Wal-mart. I'll only go there if it's the only option.
18. Last thing you bought? I can't remember the last thing I bought that wasn't edible.
19. Last gift you received? I'm not sure about this one, either. Maybe the bathing suit my mom bought me back in May?
20. Funniest thing you heard all day? It hasn't been a very funny day. I was at work all morning and at the car alarm store for way too long this afternoon, and work was boring this morning and the car alarm store is probably never fun. So yeah. I did, however, make myself laugh at the car alarm store remembering Jenn B. singing, "I found you, Ms. New Booty!" and booty dancing at the club in England. I love how stupid things like that pop back into my head at the most random moments and make me laugh.
21. Favorite mug? I don't use mugs very often. I guess probably the one with the alarm clock on it that Leah gave me as part of my college graduation present. All the rest of my mugs are just a matching set.
22. What color is your front door? Orange, which happens to be my least-favorite color. They re-painted the outside of my apartment complex back in March/April and picked this green and orange color combination that is pretty hideous. I've bitched about it several times in this blog, actually. I've come to accept and even sort of like the green, but the orange trim and orange doors are still terrible.

Spill Your Guts:
1. First thing you did this morning? Tried to remember what day of the week it is and then kissed the dog. Cuddling Cohen is the first thing I do every morning. It's kind of great, actually.
2. Last thing you ate? A sandwich from Quiznos.
3. Is your cell phone a piece of crap? It's okay. Just a standard black Nokia, not top-of-the-line but not ancient and falling to pieces, either.
4. What's something you look forward to most in the next 6 weeks? Going to Houston with my family to stay at the Four Seasons. Okay, okay, so technically the point of this little family get-together is to watch the Cubs/Astros series (my brother is a Cubs fanatic and my Dad loves anything baseball), but us girls are really going just because Dad got a good deal at the Four Seasons and you never, ever, ever pass up a chance to stay at the Four Seasons. Trust me. The fact that Mom has promised shopping at the Galleria is another big incentive. I'm also looking forward to starting school, minus the part that involves class and thesis work. I'm just looking forward to seeing if there are any interesting new grad students this semester. And I know it's still a little more than six weeks away, but I'm REALLY excited about seeing Tool with Mandi!
5. What's annoying you right now? Nothing really. I'd rather not have to work on dramaturgy tonight, but it's not annoying me. I'm just being lazy.

Q: Is there a person on your mind right now? Kymberli, Cassie, and Matthew, because I left all of them messages earlier today and am expecting calls back from all three. And Mike, because I'm still wondering whether I should just break down and start talking to him again. (I was thisclose to calling him this afternoon and I barely talked myself out of it. And the longer this goes on, the less and less compelling my reasons for not talking to him seem. So I don't know.)
Q: Who is the last person you called? Kymberli, because I just realized it has been more than three days since we last talked and that's an eternity for us.
Q: Do you look like your mom or dad? Like both, although general consensus seems to be I look much more like my dad and his side of the family. I do have my mom's eye and hair color, though.
Q: Do you smile often? I actually don't think I'm a very smiley person, but I'm a very happy person and that's what matters.
Q: Do you wish on stars? Sometimes, if I happen to be outside right as the stars are coming out. And I wish on every shooting star, although I've only seen a few of those in my life.
Q: What is the most disgusting thing you ever ate? Once I bit into a Cadbury Creme egg and there was an ant inside. Believe it or not, this didn't put me off Cadbury eggs entirely because I know that was my fault for leaving it sitting on my kitchen counter for days. Also, it helps that I saw the ant before I actually bit into it.

Q: Would you kill someone? If it was a matter of self-defense or to save someone I loved I think I could. The thing is, I can think of several circumstances in which I'd be willing to kill someone, but I doubt that I'm physically capable of doing it without a gun or other weapon. And I panic in emergency situations so I'd probably just freak out and want to do it but not be able to actually figure out how to do it.
Q: When did you last cry? When I said goodbye to Mike. That was emotionally draining, to say the least.
Q: Are you friendly? Very. I'm always a little shy at first but I think I'm very easy to get along with.
Q: Are you keeping a secret from the world? Nah. I'm not going to lie, there are certain things I intentionally keep secret from certain people. I firmly believe that complete and total honesty is not always the best policy in every situation. But there's nothing that I'm keeping hidden from the whole entire world.
Q: Whose bed did you sleep in last night? My own. (Although the dog and cat are both firmly convinced that it's their bed and they're just kind enough to share it with me).

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