Saturday, July 29, 2006


A - Available: Yes, but whether or not I answer the question honestly depends on who's asking
A - Age: 23
A - Annoyance: How muggy it is outside right now. UGH.

B - Beer: Strongbow, Sunshine, Blue Moon, and Red Stripe are my favorites (hmmmm...apparently I'm an import beer snob. Who knew?!). I've also been known to down an entire pitcher of Shiner on more than one ocassion (but only when Jenny is involved). And when I'm being cheap it's Miller Light.

B - Birthday: November 5th
B - Blood type: A Positive

C - Crush: I don't have one right now. There is a serious lack of appealing guys here. Or maybe I'm just a terribly picky bitch (yeah, yeah, it's probably the latter).
C - Car: I drive a Camaro. His name is Bostwick. He's really dirty right now.

C - Coke or Pepsi: Coke

D - Day or night: Night
D - Dream Vehicle: A Lexus SUV or an Escalade. I'm well aware I could never pull off the whole Escalade thing, but when I used to valet park cars the Escalades were always my very favorite to drive.
D - Dog or cat: I hope to always have both, but I guess I'm more of a dog person.

E - Easiest person to talk to: Mom, Kymberli, Mandi, Chelsea, Mike when we're actually speaking to each other
E - Eggs: I have a bad habit of buying eggs and then never using them.
E - Email: I can't fathom how anyone survives in this day and age without it.

F - Favorite Month: I guess November, 'cause that's when my birthday is and the holidays are coming up so everyone is getting excited but the stressful holiday/end-of-the-semester crunch hasn't hit yet.
F - Favorite color: Mediterrean colors. Like
these ones
F - Favorite Memory: I have way too many favorites to choose just one. Most of my very favorites are from traveling with my family or friends. And I have a few very happy romantic memories, too.

G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Bears

G - Giver or taker: I hope that I strike a good balance between the two, but I'm afraid sometimes I'm more of a taker.
G - Gum: Juicy Fruit. But I very rarely chew gum.

H - Hair Color: Brunette. My dad swears it gets darker every time he sees me. My hair is the same color my mom's was when she was young, and when I was a little kid I used to draw pictures of my mom and color her hair with a black crayon. So yeah, my hair is pretty dark.
H - Height: I say 5'6" or 5'7" but a lot of people have told me I'm taller than that. Who knows.
H - Happy: I am.

I - Ice Cream: Winter White Chocolate from Baskin Robbins, Cherry Garcia, Chocolate Peanut Butter
I - Instrument: Once upon a time I played the violin. Now I just play Guitar Hero.
I - Idol: I don't have one.

J - Jewelry: I always wear my watch and I almost always wear a sapphire and diamond ring that my grandmother gave me for my 19th birthday. Other than that, I'm an earrings girl. I have a bunch of pairs of earrings and wear different ones all the time. I like necklaces but don't usually wear them unless I'm dressed up, and I never wear bracelets.
J - Job: Full-time graduate student, part-time box office manager, part-time waitress
J - Jail: I've never been arrested, although I did have to go to the jail to get finger printed when I was getting certified to teach. That was fun. (My favorite thing was the large sign in the finger printing room that said Please Do Not Leave Prisoners Unattended. Uh, shouldn't that go without saying?)

K - Kids: I'm definitely going to be a mother someday, but I don't want it to happen anytime soon.
K - Kickboxing or karate: Kickboxing is the only one I've done.
K - Kindergarten: My teacher was Mrs. Hamilton. I spent a lot of time listening to Raffi songs at the headphone station, making Jello with Shanna at the "cooking" station, checking the same books out over and over again from the library, and waiting very impatiently for my teeth to start falling out so I could get my picture on the lost tooth wall, too.

L - Longest Car Ride: I went with Mike to help his sister move from Portland, Oregon back to El Paso. That was the longest road trip I've ever made. It took us three days to drive from Portland to El Paso. The longest car trip I've ever made in one day was from El Paso to Telluride, Colorado. 13 hours. Ugh.
L - Lemonade: Chic-fil-A lemonade is one of my favorite things in the world.
L - Last Kiss: Two weeks ago.

M - Milk flavor: Just plain fat-free milk
M - Most missed person(s): Mike, Kymberli (but at least I talk to Kymberli all the time. I do miss seeing her everyday, though!)
M - Movie Last Watched in theaters: The pirate movie!

N - Number of Siblings: 2
N - Number of Tattoos: Zero. I don't want any.
N - Name: Ashley Lorraine

O - ONE WISH: That I'll always be content and, if not completely satisfied, at least mostly satisfied

O - One fear: I irrationally fear losing my entire family all at once in some sort of freak accident
O - One regret: I can't think of anything. I guess the only things I regret are things that I didn't have much control over in the first place.

P - Pet Peeves: Here's one: the phrase, "Do what?" instead of, "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you" or, "What was that?" or "Pardon?" or any one of half a dozen other things you could say that don't make you sound like an idiot. I realize that it's just an east Texas thing, but it sounds so hick to me and I kinda hate it.
P - Part of your appearance you like best: My legs and my nose
P - Part of your personality you like best: I like a lot of things about myself. I get complimented a lot for being logical and dependable, so I guess that's what other people like about me. Personally, I like my ability to get really excited and happy about tiny little things.

Q - Quick or Slow: I guess the author of this dumb thing had some issues with coming up with other Q items.

R - Reason to smile: I made almost $70 in tips yesterday, during a lunch shift!
R - Reality TV Show: I'll admit it, a couple of my guilty pleasures are Project Runway and America's Next Top Model. And Whose Wedding Is It, Anyway?, and some of those shows where they teach people how to dress, and The Hills and, okay, so I do watch reality TV. But out of "my" shows, the ones that I actually take the time to watch each week and record if I'm not going to be home, the only ones that are reality shows are Project Runway and ANTM.

R - Reasons to cry: I don't have any reasons to cry right now. Life is good at the moment. Maybe not 100% satisfying, but good.

S - Song Last Heard: Miracles, by Jefferson Starship
S - Season: Any season where I'm not sweating like I am right now.
S - Shoes: I have to admit I kinda love my boat shoes. Then again, I also love my patent-leather spike-heeled pumps, so my shoe taste is kinda all over the place.

T - Time you woke up: 11:05 AM

T - Time Now: 1:44 PM
T - Time for bed: Whenever I feel tired or finish my work for the day, usually sometime between 12:30 and 2 AM

U - U love someone: Love isn't a word I throw around lightly, but yes, there are some people in my life that I truly love.

U - Unpredictable: No, actually. I think I'm pretty damn predictable. I'm very much a creature of habit and routine and I'm pretty even-keeled emotionally as well.
U - Ultra sensitive: I don't think so. A little sensitive sometimes, but I don't think I'd call myself ultra sensitive.

V - Vegetable you hate: I guess I don't like lima beans much, but I don't hate them.

V - Vegetable you love: I love vegetables. I love pretty much all of them. I also don't eat nearly enough of them.
V - Vacation spot: The cabin in Ruidoso, London, anywhere tropical

W- Worst Habits: I have an internet addiction. Seriously, I spend far too long each day sitting at my computer just goofing around. I could get a shocking amount of real work done each day if only I'd stop reading blogs.
W- Where are you going to travel next: Houston, to see my family.
W- Weather right now: Sunny, 93 degrees, and too humid for words.

X - X-Rays: My teeth, and my right ankle
X - X-Rated Porn: I'm not fun to watch porn with. I get too obsessed with the "plot" or lack thereof and I annoy everyone else with my running commentary on how ridiculous and unrealistic the whole thing is.
X- Xero: I don't even know what that means.

Y - Year you were born: 1982
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: Is one of my favorite colors

Z - Zoo Animal: Seals

Z - Zodiac: Scorpio
ZzZz: I agree.

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