Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I'm bored. I'm sitting in the box office by myself waiting for tickets to print. Part of my job is printing tickets for all of the events at this on-campus auditorium that the theatre department isn't actually involved with at all. We just print tickets because I guess we're the only place on campus with a ticket printer. I guess I shouldn't bitch because apparently the guy who managed the box office last year actually had to sell all of the tickets to the auditorium events, too, and at least I don't have to worry about selling them. I just print them, deliver them to the lady who does sell them, and my job is over.
The thing is, there are 850 tickets to print, and this ticket printer is so. incredibly. slow. It prints one ticket every five seconds. I know because I just timed it. That may sound fast, but it's not. I started this print job at 1:40 and it's 3:20 now and it's not done.
I guess I also can't bitch because I technically get paid to work this job 20 hours a week and since the last show closed at the beginning of October I really haven't worked at all. I changed the answering machine message on the phone one day and...yup, that's about it. For this semester at least this job has been really, really easy. I'm here a lot during show time, but since only four weeks out of this semester are show weeks, I'm doing next to nothing. I'm so glad I have this job instead of being an actual TA with papers to grade and classes to sit in on. Of course, next semester there are more shows and less freshmen box office lackeys, so things may change then. But at least I got one really easy semester out of the deal.
I should be using the time I'm sitting in the office productively, to work on my rough draft that's due for Major Research Paper #1 on Thursday. But you know what? I'm not. I'm not because I just noticed that my professor finally posted our midterm grades and I got a 92. YES! The class average was a 78, so I don't know how the hell I pulled off a 92, especially since our essays were supposed to be "elegant" and my writing was the furthest thing from elegant you can possibly imagine. [Incidentally, "elegant"? You want "elegant" essays when we only have two hours to write THREE of them and you only discussed the information on the test for about an hour in class in the first place? I'm just sayin'...] At any rate, 45% of my grade in the class is now a solid A, and since I'm just aiming for a B in Drama Research in the first place I don't feel the need to put forth a lot of effort on this first draft, especially since, well, it's a draft [Also, incidentally, I don't think that rough drafts should be worth fifteen percent of a final course grade. It's a DRAFT, woman!]
I'm also not working right now because my mind is totally elsewhere. I had the best night last night, and I can't stop thinking about it. Man, it was...erotic. Seriously. That's the only word for it. I really can't stop thinking about it. I feel like I have a secret now, in a very good way. The crazy thing is, it was one of the most sexually charged experiences I've ever had, and we aren't even in the same town, much less the same bed. I love technology!
And no, I'm not giving any more details than that. Except to clarify that yes, this experience was with someone I have a very close and intimate relationship with. I don't want to give the impression that I'm having some sort of tawdry cyber sex with internet strangers or something. Eeek.

Alright, I gotta run. Tickets are almost done printing, I have class in an hour, and I just remembered that I have a paycheck to pick up at the administration building. Hell yeah!

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