Saturday, June 24, 2006

London, Titus, Coriolanus, Etc.

I feel like I haven't posted a blog in ages even though I know I only skipped posting yesterday. I can't believe how fast time is going by now. The first week we were here everything went really slowly, but then the pace picked up a lot and now in just a week I'll be back in Texas!

I'm sort of glad about getting back to Texas, I guess. This trip has been go, go, go, all the time so it will be nice to get back to sleeping past 8:00 in the morning and not having something scheduled every second of almost every day. And of course I miss my sister and my "boys". But other than those things I really feel like I could stay here forever. The other people I'm missing are people I miss all the time anyway (my parents, Mike, Matthew, Kymberli, Jenny, etc., etc.) and the only difference between missing them here and missing them in Texas is that at least in Texas there's AIM and it's easy and cheap to make a phone call. So really, if I could just come up with a cheaper way to make international phone calls and if I had an internet connection in my room at the B&B, I think I could quite happily stay here indefinitely. I love England, I really do.
The only person I really miss from back home is Mandi. Her father was very sick when I left town so I've been worrying about her a lot and hoping he is doing okay. Amanda is here with me, and other than that I like plenty of people back at school but there's no one I am close enough to to really miss, you know? I have friends at school, don't get me wrong, they're just not very close friends. The funny thing is, I have gotten pretty tight with some of the people I am traveling with here. For that reason alone I'm glad I went on this trip. Before we came here I really only knew Amanda, but it's amazing how fast you get to know people when you're traveling with them and living together and seeing each other pretty much all day every day. So now I'll go back to Texas and miss this little group we have here now, I think.

Anyway, I have several things to say. First of all, Renaissance dancing is PAINFUL. Oh, the dancing itself wasn't painful. The dancing was a lot of fun. But most of it is done up on your toes and there is a lot of jumping around and it is just very physical. After two hours of dancing my calves were trembling, and now for the past two days my calves have been aching. I hopped out of bed this morning and then had to stand perfectly still for a minute just to let my calves stretch out to normal standing position because they're so tight. Liz was still sitting in bed and she laughed at me and said, "You can walk," but seriously, I barely could. Still, I had fun with the dancing...although our dance teacher is one of those very European women who doesn't shave or wash her clothes (apparently) so that was, um, gross. But yeah, dance class was fun.

On Thursday night we saw the Ninagawa Company's production of Titus Andronicus and it was incredible. It was completely stylized and unlike anything I have ever seen before in my life. I can't even think of words to describe it, really, and I know you all don't paricularly care anyway, but wow. Definitely a very memorable theatre experience. And I was sitting right in the very front row on the aisle, which made it incredibly intense. Before the show the actors warmed up and got into costume on stage and several of them said good evening to me or acknowledged me in some way, and then during the show itself they were doing a lot of acting in the aisle or at the foot of the stage so I kept having actors with massive Japanese swords literally inches away from my face. John was sitting next to me, and at intermission we both just kind of stared at each other wide-eyed and I said, "Did you know we were going to be in Titus Andronicus tonight?" The whole thing was just very intense, that's the only way I can describe it. And it was a completely different culture experience, too. I felt like I was part of something very special and sacred, totally different than Western theatre. I loved it.

Yesterday we spent the day in London. Ah, London. It takes about 2 1/2 hours to drive there from here and we had a big bus. Dr. C's daughter sat with me at the back of the bus and I kept her entertained playing hangman and drawing pictures for most of the drive. Dr. C kept offering to take her off my hands, but I was actually enjoying being with her. It has been a long time since I've had to entertain a little kid, and I actually kind of miss it. She's very sweet, too, and really smart (which is not surprising, considering her mother). We spent the afternoon at the Tower of London. Amanda and I hung out together and took one of the yeoman tours and then explored the various towers. I had time to do the whole Tower experience in depth this time (I've been there before, but the last time was kind of rushed). We explored the chapel where Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard and Thomas More are burried, saw the crown jewels, and went to the armory. My favorite thing was Henry VIII's armor. Judging by his armor, the man really was HUGE (both tall and fat) even compared to today's standards.

Last night we saw Coriolanus at The Globe. Just being in the Globe is always a cool experience, but the show was awful. Oh well, we're seeing seven shows here and we didn't hit a dud until our fifth one. That's pretty good, actually. That's now three (or four?) shows I've seen at The Globe and all of them have been terrible. It's like watching dinner theatre at a community theatre in like, Nebraska. Seriously. Maybe slightly better than that, but not much. It's theatre for tourists and I hate to be pretentious but I seriously believe that even though they know their audience is not theatre people they shouldn't dumb the show down. Or make it into Coriolanus the Comedy!, which is what they tried to do. And obviously it didn't work. The Globe is not doing anything that is going to make non-theatre people fall in love with Shakespeare, that's for sure. I think I could take my dad (who has absolutely no interest in theatre) to every show we've seen here in Stratford so far and he would enjoy it (maybe not Antony and Cleo since that was more traditional, but the other three for sure). The Globe needs to be doing more shows like that. Maintaining historical accuracy doesn't mean it needs to be boring. Because trust me, if any of Shakespeare's shows were actually performed like that in the original Globe, he would be remembered as a very mediocre playwright at best.
Alright, off my soap box.

Today we have the day off except for an hour and a half rehearsal for our scenes, which I've already been to. It went pretty well today. We were originally going to try to go somewhere tomorrow, but now I think we might just stay here for the rest of the weekend. We all need to work on our big papers that are due next week since we just don't have much time to work next week. Plus I'm spending the night in London on Friday anyway, and I figure since we have to check out of our B&B at 8:00 on Friday morning we might as well just go to London early and spend the day there. We're thinking of maybe going to Westminster or the Tate or something like that. We'll see.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ash--Good to hear what's happening and how excited you are about all you've seen. Too bad you had to see one dud--oh, well. All is well here. Dad and I leave for Houston tomorrow. I won't have access to a computer, so won't be able to check up on you. But I will look forward to reading everything when I get home on Wed. I wish I could go to London again! Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

hey asho-sorry i haven't been religiously reading and commenting on your blogs. i have been in travel for most of the past week. i just wanted to let you know that i'm alive, and i know that you are having the time of your life. i sent you a text last night i think, when i was drunk. sorry about that! hahah...kevin and i will definitely be hooking up this week, so that's exciting (mom and dad, ignore that last bit...hahaha). anyway, i love you so much! -kymbo

Anonymous said...

I've been trying to think of things to tell you about since everything has been pretty normal with all the boys. I finally remembered some stuff.
- Cohen howled yesterday morning! A real howl! He had actually been kenneling quietly and as long as I got out of the house pretty much after I put him in he was fine. Yesterday though I was outside unlocking my bike and I heard him howling. It's very high pitched. I'll have to do it for you but it's very cute and sad. Also, it's been raining here a lot lately and this morning it was raining so I put the boys out on the front porch first thing hoping they would run off the porch real quick and go. Morty did but of course Cohen freaking peed on my porch and like right by my door too. It was a lot of pee for Cohen too! Then later in the day, even though it had stopped raining for like 3 hours, I took Cohen out in the back and he peed in the middle of that concrete walkway out there! It was rather annoying. He's also been dumping his food dish every night but at least he's eating.
-Jose has been doing good. Last night he slithered on top of me and kneaded my chest with his claws (is that how you spell kneaded?). I had to keep telling him claws in paws and finally I had to tuck his paws underneath him. He was there for awhile but then slept at the foot of the bed. He got on me again when I was on the couch today but he didn't stay as long. He's silly. He also is obsessed with my fridge. Everytime I open it he runs to it and acts like he wants me to lock him in it. I've also been giving him a little catsip every morning because he seems to like it. He hasn't been asking for it like Ced though. Usually he's in the kitchen just for the fridge and then gets cat milk as an added bonus.
-Not that you care but my boys are doing good good. Ced's been spending some time near everyone when we're on the couch at night and Morty's just being Morty. He did kill squeaky sheep today and I bought him this long squeaky snake with replaceable squeaks and he's already ripped the eyes out. He loves that snake though and took it to bed with him the other night the way he used to take bones.
So that's it. I have a few more pictures of all of them but they've really been doing the same things over and over again because I have them on a pretty good routine. I'm fine too. My pink eye wasn't pink eye but it sure was something awful for 3 days. See you soon!

Anonymous said...

It's me again. I forgot to tell you that the boys had to go in "timeout" on Thursday because they were being barking tromedlov and nehoc punks. This consisted of putting them in my room and moving those drawers in front of the door so they couldn't get out. They eventually both fell asleep on my bed. Last night Jose slept wrapped around my head like a turban. Occasionally he slid over my face and I would try and move away because I couldn't breathe and he would slide with me. He eventually left though I guess because this morning I woke up and Cohen had his smart knot pressed up against my forehead and was lying in a fetal position on my pillow. You need to hurry up and get these cuddly animals. I want my anti-social, don't touch me boys back. Finally I put up like 37 new pictures on my photobucket and a new video of a different set of boys. The video is like a minute and twenty seconds long. It has sound but the sound isn't as important as in the other videos.

*A* said...

Chelsea-I do need to get my cuddly animals back! I miss them so much. Thanks for all the updates, I'm sad that I didn't hear Cohen's pathetic howl.

Kymberli-Please stop recycling men. ;-)

Matthew-Actually, all of the shows have been really interesting and good except that one at the Globe. So far four have been awesome and only one has sucked...not bad odds at all. And I can't wait to hear your crazy stories.