Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Apparently I have to defend my thesis and take my comprehensive exam sometime during the week of April 9th. That's only two weeks from now! I know I'm going to pass, even if I only pass because my committee feels like being nice, so I'm not worried about that. I'm just worried about looking like a complete idiot when my committee asks me something and I just sit there going, "Uh...well, um..." and then they all sit there going, "Uh oh, we're sending this girl off into a Ph.D. program?" The nice thing is, that's really early. It will be kind of good to get it out of the way that early, because once that's done I'll have almost a month to kill before graduation and I can just chill. A free month sounds pretty nice to me.

Hey, here's something good: A Freebirds restaurant opened in town last week! And it's in the same shopping center as Jason's Deli and Fazoli's! Pretty much the only way that could get better would be if a Chic-fil-A opened up across the parking lot.

On a completely unrelated note, there's a show on right now called Great American Dream, or something like that, and people get to present their dream and then the audience votes to narrow it down and then the country gets to vote for their favorite dream and that person gets the funds to make their dream come true. Well, there's a woman on it tonight who wants to build a sanctuary for senior basset hounds. I actually know of her because we post to the same basset hound e-mail list. That's the only reason I'm watching this show in the first place, because I wanted to see her win. The thing is, she was up against a guy who wants to build a chicken amusement park. I was insulted that the show's producers even considered a joke like an amusement park based on chickens in the same league as a rescue shelter for homeless dogs. How are those two dreams even comparable at all?

Oh yay, Devon made it to the next round! Go to abc.com and vote for Devon and her home for senior basset hounds! I promise that it's a legitimate dream, even if she's up against a guy who wants a hair transplant (what the hell?!) and ABC is apparently trying to make it seem like a joke.

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