Wednesday, February 21, 2007


You can ignore this morning's post if you want to, because I just checked my mail and had an official letter that says "Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you of your admission to The ___ ____ University Doctor of Philosophy degree program for Theatre for Autumn Quarter 2007."


My mind is completely blown. I seriously never thought I'd get in anywhere for the fall. To know that I have been accepted somewhere and have a place to go in the fall for sure is such a weight off my shoulders. I'm not going to have to move back to El Paso and bartend indefinitely! I have a plan! A plan that might change if I somehow manage to get accepted somewhere else, too, but still! A plan!
I'll be starting a Ph.D. program in the fall. It feels so good to type that!

There are still a ton of unknowns. I don't know what sort of financial package or job they're offering me (if any) for one thing. And I suppose there is a little bit of chance that I could end up with more than one offer, in which case I have no idea what the heck I'd do. But maybe I won't have that (admittedly good to have) dilemma. Maybe I'm already set and just don't know it yet.

Either way, today is a day for celebrating.

On the downside, I guess this means I actually do have to finish my thesis on time and pass my comprehensive exam because, hey, I have things to do! My regalia came in the mail yesterday, too, another incentive to get my act together and finish up here. I can't believe that all of this is actually going to happen.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YAAAAAY! Congratulations, Ashley!