Friday, February 23, 2007

Vacation Planning

With less than three weeks until we're in New York, Mandi and I finally got with the program tonight and did some real planning. We (me, Mandi, and Kymberli) now have tickets to see Spring Awakening and Talk Radio. I'm really excited about both, especially Spring Awakening, which I've been hearing really great things about. We wanted to try to get tickets to Wicked, too, but I'm not about to pay $250+ for tickets to a show. That's ridiculous. The only seats left were "premium seats". I figure maybe we'll try the lottery or the TKTS booth for that one, or maybe we'll decide that two Broadway shows is enough for us and we have other things to do.
As for other things I really want to do while I'm there, the only thing I'm dead set on trying to do is visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art because I've been to New York three times but somehow never been there. Other than that I'm hoping that Mandi will want to call a lot of the shots, because it is her first time there and I feel like she needs to try for her ideal experience (and I'm happy to do anything, frankly). I'm getting really excited about seeing Kymberli, too. It already feels like it has been years since we saw each other in Las Vegas.

I'm still on an emotional high from getting into a Ph.D. program so everything has been making me happy lately [incidentally, when I do have 100% definite plans I will do a post letting you know what program(s) accepted will just be a temporary post, but I don't intend to leave you in the dark forever if you actually read my nonsense regularly]. I'm also really excited because my parents are coming to town tomorrow and we have a fun weekend planned. Tomorrow a big group of us is going to dinner at Kenichi. Sushi! It's Shane's belated birthday dinner since he turned 20 earlier this month. Shane is bitching (in a mostly joking way) that now it has turned into a celebration for me, too, but as far as I'm concerned it's still Shane's birthday party and that's it. Then since my parents are being all extravagant and staying at the Four Seasons again (lucky bastards), Mom made us massage appointments at their spa for Sunday, which I'm so excited about. I'm afraid my massage therapist is going to be horrified, though, because my entire body is covered in bruises from that stupid scene I did earlier this week. Zak and I tried to be careful and not actually injure each other, but I have a fairly visible bruise on my right calf, another one on my back, and a HUGE bruise on the upper part of my right thigh. I am so amazed by this bruise that I kind of want to take pictures and document it, except that's disgusting. I think it will be bathing suit season before this bruise fades completely, that's how intense it is. Sick.
Sunday Chelsea and I are also going to try to have a little birthday party for Morty and Cohen. Speaking of which, today is Cohen's birthday! My "baby" is two years old now! Time flies. I remember when I could hold him in one hand, and now he's 46 pounds of howling hound dog.

What I haven't figured out yet is when I'm going to get any thesis work done this weekend and when I'm going to study for my midterm on Tuesday because my weekend schedule is basically
8:30-10:30: Wake up and clean the apartment/groom the basset (ideally-I may in fact sleep in spite of my best intentions)
10:30-4ish: Shift at the restaurant
6:00: Run box office for the show
8:00: Dinner with everyone, and I'm sure I'll get home way too late to get anything accomplished

11:00: Work out (again, ideally)
12:30: Another box office shift
3:00: Massage
4:30ish: Dog birthday party
Evening: Dinner with my family, probably

So I can probably do a tiny bit of work tomorrow afternoon if I get ambitious, and I can hopefully get some work done late Sunday night. But basically, the bulk of my studying/writing will have to get done Monday and during the day on Tuesday, and I don't have a whole ton of time then, either, because rehearsals for Richie's show are in high gear now since we open March 6th. Plus we need to spend Monday morning at Goodwill looking for props.
But don't even bother telling me how stupid it is to prioritize things like dog birthday parties and massages over my studies because I realize how ridiculous I am. I also realize life is too short to be responsible all the damn time.

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