Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I'm really tired of not feeling like I can go anywhere or do anything. It has finally stopped icing/sleeting/snowing, but since the temperature still hasn't gotten above 30 degrees today all the accumulated ice hasn't melted at all. My car has these ice spikes that have formed off the side of it and the icicles on the front are making him look like a tired old man. (Yes, the car is a him, and his name is Bostwick) The grass is totally frozen over and crunchy when I walk on it. Sidewalk walking is still a sketchy prospect. Technically I could go somewhere and do something since the roads in town aren't too terrible anymore, but what? Most businesses are still closed, I don't feel like spending ten minutes unthawing my car, blah, blah, blah.

I did take Cohen for a walk today and ended up buying chocolate cupcakes at the corner store, the only place I've been other than the laundry room since, um, Sunday. Poor Cohen totally wiped out on an icy patch of sidewalk outside the apartment complex office and ended up rolling into the parking lot along with the shards of ice his big muffin paws had kicked up. He stood up, shook his head indignantly and then stared up at me as if to say, "Is this your idea of a joke?!" Poor basset!

I still haven't decided if I'm going to Houston tomorrow. It would be stupid to try to drive if there's even a slight chance the roads will still be icy since it's not like I have to go to Houston. Then again, if I spend one more day just sitting in my apartment without doing anything other than half-heartedly doing thesis research and watching terrible television, I might lose it.

Speaking of terrible TV, how about American Idol? Jesus, I've never watched anything so painful in my whole life. How can people possibly be that tone deaf? How can no one have ever been kind enough to point out to them that singing is not their talent? How can anyone have such a false sense of their own talents and capabilities? Please, please, PLEASE don't ever let me do that to myself. Please be honest. If I think I'm good at something and I actually suck at it, please, for the love of all that is good, PLEASE tell me about it before I humiliate myself in front of the American public. And I wouldn't mind if I thought these people were doing it on purpose just to get on television, but sadly, I think some of these people really are sincere about their wish to be on the show and really are just that bad, and it's just way too depressing. There is a reason I haven't watched the past four seasons of this show. I think I'm going back to watching Food Network, which never makes me want to curl up under my blanket and die.

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