Friday, October 21, 2005

Happy Place

Tonight I suddenly find myself wishing that I was back in London, in the boys' flat on Hatton Garden. I want it to be one in the morning, when pretty much everyone has already gone to bed. I want to be in my comfy brown Frog Legs pajamas, curled up on the couch, sharing bourbon and gossiping with Katie. I want Jorge to walk by and kiss me on the forehead on his way to stand at the open window and smoke cigarettes with Jason, who is saying something goofy that causes Katie and I to roll our eyes but laugh at the same time. I want that feeling of contentment because I'm with people who make me happy, and excited anticipation for the morning, and peace because the biggest question on my mind is "What show do I want to see tomorrow?"
I can't really imagine a better feeling in the world than that.

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