Sunday, April 15, 2007

You Just Loved the Sex, Fool

College Ex is annoying me tonight. We don't talk much these days. We're still friends and on good terms, but ever since we finally stopped fooling around completely in fall 2005 I have stopped calling him just to chat. He still texts me every now and then (when he's drinking and feeling nostalgic, presumably) and I'll text him very, very rarely when something reminds me of him, and he'll call me every couple of months or so to ramble on about how much he loves me.
Tonight is one of those nights. First he sent me a text message that said "I still think about you all the time." And I didn't respond because how does one respond to that? "Congratulations, I DON'T think about you all the time, or even all that often"? "Why?"? "I think about you, too, but mostly I think about how that was fun for a while but I'm glad I'm done with that phase of my life"?
Then a couple of hours later he sent me another text message that said, "Can I just say that I'm still in love with you?" And so I responded, "You can, but that's kind of weird considering I don't think you ever really loved me in the first place." Well, it was a mistake to say that, because he spent the next hour calling me multiple times and trying to prove to me that he loves me and that he has always loved me. Which just doesn't make sense to me, because although he has spent a large part of our relationship and our entire post-relationship telling me how much he loves me, and how I'm the only woman in his life that ever knew his secrets and called him on his bullshit, and how I inspire him to be a better man and blah, blah, blah, for someone who supposedly loves me so much he sure does sleep with a lot of other women. And he probably says the exact same thing to them. I just don't trust him. At all. I never have, and I never will. Truthfully, I think he just wants phone sex tonight and whoever he normally calls for that job these days isn't responding and so he has turned to me, but since he knows I won't do that with him anymore he thinks that if he sweet talks me a lot first it will maybe turn into that. Either that or he really does think he loves me, in which case someone really needs to teach him that sex and love are two very different things and do not necessarily go hand-in-hand, even though they probably should.
--Interrupting this post for a live action update--He just called AGAIN and I answered again (Why? I'm not answering anymore after this, he's getting repetitive) and this time he said he needs to see me before I leave Texas because he has to give me something. I asked what he has to give me, and he said "Something that's really meaningful and important to me and symbolizes everything I've been trying to tell you about what you mean to me, and you might not ever wear it but I need to give it to you anyway." What the hell?! I really think he's on drugs or something right now. He also just compared his love for me to seeing a box of Tic Tacs on the shelf at the gas station and suddenly remembering how much you love Tic Tacs even though you haven't had them for a while. I had to put the phone down so I could laugh as loudly as I wanted to, and when I picked up the phone again he was still babbling on. Worst. Metaphor. Ever.
I don't know what his deal is, but I'm not answering the phone anymore. This is ridiculous. There was a time and place in my life for him and I don't regret spending so much time with him in college. We had a lot of fun. But the time and place in my life for showing up at a guy's house at two in the morning to smoke a bowl, have a beer, and fool around is over. Or at least, I think it's over. I'm certainly not in the mood for that sort of thing these days. And as soon as I stopped being in the mood for that, I stopped being in the mood for him. So it sure as hell wasn't love, and I hope he's not actually so delusional that he thinks it was. I'm pretty sure he's just drunk.

Know what else is annoying? Trying to find an apartment on the internet. I don't know why I'm even bothering to look, since it's not like you can get a sense of a place at all based on their online ads. And even things like that apartment ratings website don't work because people pretty much only post about their apartment complex online when they have negative things to say about it, so you don't get an accurate idea of how the place really is. I'm going to go up to my future home in a month or so and I want to sign a lease then so I'm trying to do some research, but it's just frustrating me.

Anyway. I'm gonna read for class and get some sleep and stop obssessing about the logistics of moving myself, a basset hound, a cat, and all of my furniture 2,000 miles, because I have months until I actually have to deal with that.

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