Monday, August 28, 2006

One Day At A Time

Sorry I haven't updated in almost a week. The truth is, there hasn't been much to say. Everything has been going really well; I've been spending time with friends that I didn't see much all summer and I managed to finish that writing project I was working on which makes me really happy and over the weekend my dad was in town helping Shane move back into the dorms so I got to spend some time with my family (minus Mom) on Sunday night. I also met a couple of interesting guys at my apartment complex pool this weekend, guys that offered to give me beer and take me skydiving. I said yes to the beer, no to the skydiving. [And lest you think this is actually a turn of events to get excited about, it's really not. They were both nice guys, but that's the extent of it for now and probably forever].

So yeah, it has been a good start to the semester, I'm just already so busy. I spent the entire weekend (Thursday night through Sunday morning) either at the restaurant working or at the theater helping out with Rocky Horror auditions. Auditions went well, incidentally, and I think the cast is awesome. Concepts are starting to come together and I'm actually starting to have real work to do. I spent tonight at the first read-thru doing my dramaturg thing. Apparently I can't half-ass this project any longer. Within the next few weeks I'm going to start having weekly meetings with my advisor and so I really need to get on the ball and actually get some real work done on this thesis of mine.

I've also been busy getting stuff organized in the box office and getting the reading material together for my Backgrounds of Modern Theatre class and reading the play that I'm helping Mandi with this semester (so far we're just calling me her assitant, although eventually I'll make myself something official like stage manager or dramaturg, we haven't decided what my actual job should be yet) and trying in vain to get the brakes on my car fixed and buying school supplies and nailing down a semi-set work schedule at the restaurant and suddenly in the past week I went from having an average of two things on my mind to having an average of ten things on my mind and I'm not quite in school mode yet. So the blog has been neglected. I'll try not to be so neglectful in the immediate future, but I make no promises. Plus it's hard to type when there's a basset hound resting his big ol' barrel chest on top of me. I'm just sayin'.

The upside to being this busy is that I no longer have time to freak myself out thinking about relationships or lack thereof and about my career future in general. Of course, I guess this will also be the downside when it's February and I'm still totally single and realizing "Oh fuck, I totally missed every single deadline to even be considered for a doctoral program, and I also haven't even started looking for jobs!"

But I'll deal with February in February I guess. Right now I really am just gonna deal with one day at a time.

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