Thursday, August 03, 2006

Five Things and More Crazy

So I met another crazy today. What's the deal? I'm thinking it must be worse than usual because of the heat. Surely the fact that the heat index has been hovering around 105 degrees for most of the past month can't be helping with the general craziness factor of the population.
I met today's crazy at the wrap shop, where I really just wanted to get my sandwich and go home 'cause I'd just gotten off work and I was tired and starving. Instead I had to listen to a long and involved rant about Lebanon and Israel and how Crazy wants to join the Israeli army and if he ever finds out that he's dying of some terminal disease he's just going to say goodbye to his friends right away and then join the army (any army, apparently) so he can go out fighting, and how he's too scared to travel anywhere outside the US in case something happens and he gets stuck in a foreign country for life, and how if Syria gets involved in this current conflict then so will Russia and then I believe he actually used the phrases, "a battle between good and evil" and "we'll meet our Maker." Oh, and he also told me that he heard that anytime 20% of a country becomes Muslim ("And not good Muslims, those crazy bad kind of Muslims" was his exact phrasing, I believe) then they are required by some mandate to overthrow the government of said country and take over. He claims that this is on the verge of happening in France and told me, "So when France goes under in the next five years, just remember you heard it here first!" Got that, people? You heard it here first.

Where do these people come from? Seriously.

While we're on the topic of crazy (again) they're repairing the roof on my apartment building. They started on my building yesterday and should be done tomorrow, hopefully. I was worried that the hammering would be really annoying, but it actually isn't bad at all as long as I'm inside. I suppose it helps that I live on the first floor and we have really high ceilings in these apartments so there's quite a bit of space between me and where all the actual hammering is going on. The crazy part is that the workers just chuck things off the roof. It seems as though they're at least moving the old shingles off the roof in big piles and using a crane-type thing to do it instead of just throwing them off the roof. But the packaging for the new shingles? That just gets tossed off the roof. As does the tar paper-y stuff they're using (I know nothing about roofing materials, obviously), as do soda cans and water bottles. Every time I take Cohen outside now I'm afraid I'm about to get clunked in the head. I don't think the stuff being thrown off my roof is anything that's going to kill me, but if I get hit in the head by a soda can you can bet someone's gonna hear about it anyway.

Since I haven't killed quite enough time yet, I leave you with this:

5 Things always in my purse:
1. Wallet
2. Keys
3. Cell phone
4. Lip gloss
That's it, actually. Those are the only four things I always have to have with me. Which is why I don't even carry a purse half the time since that's all just pocketable (especially if I just carry cash and my ID and ditch the wallet).

5 Things always in my wallet:
1. Debit card.
2. Drivers license.
3. PetsMart PetPerks card
4. Student ID (in case of discount opportunities, not because I've ever once had to show anyone my ID the entire year I've been going to school here)
5. Miniature copy of the U.S. Constitution ('cause you just never know when that might come in very handy...actually, I have no idea why I even have this, I just now noticed it's in my wallet)

5 Things always in my refrigerator:
1. Milk
2. Polish dill pickles (it is absolutely imperative that they be Polish-style)
3. Pitcher of Crystal Light (any flavor)
4. Coke (usually the little 100-calorie cans nowadays)
5. Bread

5 Things always in my closet:
1. Pop-up laundry hamper
2. Black pants
3. Flip-flops
4. Jeans
5. Sewing kit

5 Things always in my car:
1. The little thingamajiggy that lets me dock my mp3 player and listen to it through my car stereo
2. Paper clip (in case of an mp3 player malfunction-the paper clip resets it)
3. Sunshade
4. Ice scraper (which has been used all of three times in my whole driving life so far, but my dad insists)
5. Cohen's seat belt (Yes, the dog wears a seat belt when he's riding in the car. Be quiet.)

5 Things always on my desk:
1. Desk lamp
2. Horned frog paperweight
3. Cup full of an insane amount of pens and pencils
4. Picture frame with "artistic" black and white pictures of Cohen and Jose
5. Laptop (unless I'm on the couch and it's on my lap, which is often the case)

5 people I wish I still hung out with:
1. Matt from the Bass
2. Kirby-licious
3. Mariana
4. Dave
5. Leah
And way too many others to list here...

5 pieces of clothing I can't live without:
1. The huge blue cashmere sweater I got from Shane when he decided it was "too gay"
2. My little black dress (which will now forever be known as the "Snake Dance dress". Haha)
3. Soft jeans
4. My green suede blazer
5. The "pirate" shirt I got at H&M (that actually looks nothing like a pirate shirt at all)

5 sentimental things I'll never throw away:
1. Every single journal I've ever kept (realize that from 8th grade on these journals consist of an entry for every. single. day. That's some incredibly valuable totally humiliating stuff!)
2. The document in my closet entitled The Quotes Pages, Theatre TCU, Fall 2001-Spring 2005: Four Years of Friendship Summarized in Thirty Pages of Sometimes Witty and Always Ridiculous Quotes
3. Certain letters and drawings from Mike
4. The book Kymberli gave me detailing the 500 reasons why we're best friends
5. All the ridiculous notes Cassie and I wrote to each other in middle and high school because if the past ten years are any indication, those will never, ever stop being funny.

5 phone numbers I have memorized:
1. My home in El Paso
2. My dad's cell phone
3. The eastside Hudson's
4. Mike's cell phone
5. Kymberli's cell phone
Sadly, I think these are literally the ONLY five phone numbers I have memorized. Oh, wait, I do know Katy's cell phone number. And that's literally it. If I ever lost the numbers in my cell phone I'd be screwed. I don't even know my own sister's phone number!

5 songs I'll love forever:
1. Dave Matthew's Band-Crash. The entire album.
2. Pure Prairie League-Amie
3. Usher, Ludacris, Lil' John-Yeah
4. Madonna-Like A Prayer
5. Rent-La Vie Boheme

5 places I have fond memories of:
1. "The hump" back at good ol' Hanks High
2. The University Pub
3. The cabin in Ruidoso
4. The flats we shared on Hatton Garden in London
5. Rome

5 terrible things I've done:
1. Let Mike fool around with me with the full knowledge that he had a girlfriend at the time.
2. Spent the spring semester of 2005 focusing much, MUCH more on drinking than on student teaching (I still maintain that this was actually a very, very fun thing to do, and I definitely don't regret it, but it definitely wasn't the right thing to do)
3. Let a friend drive his own car knowing full well that he was way too drunk to be driving (I'm still very grateful he's not dead and I still think that his DUI was partially my fault)
4. Forced way, way too many guys to "lose interest" in me by never returning their phone calls instead of just being brave and politely explaining that I wasn't really interested.
5. Attempted to convince myself that I need a boyfriend to be completely happy.

5 scents that bring back the memories:
1. Coconut Lime Verbena shower gel
2. Moonlit Path body splash
3. Polo Sport
4. That indescribable "Grandma's house" smell that I just know whenever I happen to catch it somewhere else
5. That dusty smell when the AC is turned on for the first time after being off all winter

5 things I have hanging on the wall:
1. A painting of Times Square on a rainy night that I got at the Main Street Arts Festival in Fort Worth
2. Album covers from South Pacific, My Fair Lady, A Chorus Line, and Anything Goes
3. My signed Jane's Addiction poster
4. My Pope Innocent III action figure
5. A package of sidewalk chalk in the shape of various vegetables with googly eyes

5 things I'll never regret:
1. Dating and loving Mike
2. Moving to Fort Worth anyway
3. Everything that a person with stricter morals would say I SHOULD regret about college
4. Choosing to study theatre (Even if for some reason I ultimately end up having a career in something completely different, I'll never regret that I studied theatre in college. I can't imagine that any other subject could have been as interesting as this one has been, and I absolutely wouldn't have met such fun, funny, beautiful, and fascinating people in any other field)
5. Begging for a basset hound.

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