Sunday, September 10, 2006

Um, yeah

So I started really working on my thesis today. I've been working on it sort of prior to now, in that I've already been working for my director and I know what I'm focusing on, but today I actually started really reading and researching and there's just so much information that I got totally overwhelmed even thinking about it and I just quit. I did the exact same thing when I started looking at doctoral programs. These are both things that i know I need to do, but I start to do it and I just sort of freak out.

And right now at this exact moment it's okay to freak out and watch season two of Lost and read magazines instead, but that's not always going to be the case. I realize I'm eventually going to have to actually do all of the things I'm putting off right now, and that scares me. I also know deep down that I'm capable of doing it and I will get it done eventually (I'm the Queen of Successful Procrastination, after all), but tonight it suddenly seems like too much.

I meet with Dr. C tomorrow and hopefully she'll give me some concrete guidelines on my thesis project since part of the problem right now is I'm not entirely positive what form my final product should take and I feel like I'm flying blind. I can't really work towards a goal if I can't even envision what the final product is going to be. I mean, I have the basics, but I need some concrete specifics. Should I be aiming for several mini-papers (since it is a dramturgical treatment, after all) or one very long paper? Should I be use some visuals or not? How long does this freakin' thing need to be, really? Because believe it or not this could actually get really, really long and I need to know how liberal I need to be about narrowing down my focus. So yeah. I'm also hoping Dr. C is so excited that I got accepted to that conference that she won't really notice how little work I've actually done on this project so far.

But I did order Halloween costumes for my pets today!! I'm such a nerd, but choosing costumes for them was on my t0-do list and now it's done. I also bought a pair of cheap bat wings for myself. I'm really bad at thinking up creative Halloween costumes so this year I didn't even try. Since the whole point for girls seems to be to dress as sexy/trashy as possible anyway I figure I'll just make it easy on myself and dress up in something skimpy and black, do some goth makeup (a look I secretly sort of enjoy on myself, actually, although I'm not brave enough to sport it any time other than Halloween), throw on a pair of black wings and possibly a headband with ears, and call it a night. This is assuming I even end up needing a costume at all, which I may not.
But Cohen and Jose will definitely be wearing costumes. Remember when Jose was Frankenstein and how awesome that was? (And how pissed off he was?) Well, I'm doing the same basic costume this year except this year's headpiece and wrist bands will make him a bat, like me!

As for Cohen...well, I think I'll let his costume stay secret until I can show you pictures of it. But it's perfectly fitting for his personality and it's going to be ADORABLE, if it actually fits. Why don't companies make costumes for big dogs?! Not all girly girls that might want to ocassionally dress up an animal have tiny purse dogs. I'm just sayin'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the kiddos will look so cute im sure! and i love bats hehe i think i am going to be the guy in the new evanescence (however the hell you spell that) video, 'call me when your sober' hot hot hot is all i gots to say!!!!
