Friday, September 01, 2006


I think I'm getting sick. Actually, I hope I'm not getting sick. I hope I already am as sick as I'm going to get and this isn't going to get any worse. Because right now I don't feel miserable, I just feel sort of generally crappy. Stuffy nose, little cough, kinda achy. Not bad enough that it prevented me from going to work today, but bad enough that I didn't care at all when the lunch rush was much shorter than usual and I got cut after only serving four tables. Who cares that I made less than twenty bucks today, I just wanted to go home and take a nap anyway.
The annoying thing is that just four or five days ago I was thinking to myself, "I feel pretty much 100% right now. It has been a really long time since I was sick!" So I guess I had it coming. It seems like that always happens to me, though. I never get sick unless I've just been thinking about how I never get sick. All I can think is that maybe subconsciously my body already sort of realizes that something is starting to go wrong and that's why I always end up thinking, "Wow, I never get sick!" right before I do. Because deep down I'm already thinking about the impending illness.
Hmmmm...that last paragraph may have made no sense at all. Note to self: No more chugging Ny-quil before writing entries.
The worst thing about colds is not being able to taste food. I'm eating red licorice right now but I might as well quit wasting it on my stupid cold-riddled body 'cause it just tastes like styrofoam.I should probably blow out my nifty new rose-scented candle, too, 'cause I can't smell anything right now. I can't even smell my musky hound dog and he's once again sprawled across my chest and arms as I'm lying on the couch trying to type this (I need to get someone to take a picture of how Cohen and I lie on the couch together every night while I'm on the computer because it really is pretty ridiculous...sweet, but ridiculous. There is literally fifty pounds of basset on top of me).

Last night was awesome, by the way. Jacob, a friend of mine from high school, is in town for the weekend for some sort of family reunion, so last night we went out on 6th Street and then he spent the night on my couch. Since I didn't feel like driving up to Austin alone I talked two of my fellow grad students, Debbie and Richie, into coming with me. Since Debbie just moved here from Kansas and Richie just moved here from Canada*, neither of them had ever been to 6th Street so I kind of got to show everyone around. So we went to Maggie May's and Spill and Aquarium and drank a little and danced a little and I'm sure poor Jacob was kinda overwhelmed by the combination of Richie, Debbie and me. I always forget just how freakin' talkative theatre people are until I'm around non-theatre people and they're politely listening to story after story but you can tell they're kind of like, "Jesus, do these people ever shut the hell up?!" At any rate, Jacob was a good sport and getting to see him was great, even if it was only for a little while. And I'm excited about hanging out more with Debbie and Richie. Last year the grad program was a bit clique-ish because most of the second-years didn't get along with each other that well and a lot of the second-years didn't seem to particularly care about getting to know us first-years. This year already seems to be going much better since we full-time second years (basically me, Amanda, Mandi and Kelly) all get along and the new first-years seem to be hitting it off with each other and with us. So things are looking promising so far.

I can't say the same for my school work, per se, but we'll see...

*Poor Richie. He has already sort of been defined as "the guy from Canada". Luckily he's a really easy-going guy and at least pretends to be amused when everyone spends the whole night jokingly blaming every tiny problem on him for the sole reason that he's Canadian and trying to mimic the way he says words like "out" and "about". Richie is pretty awesome.

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