Friday, September 08, 2006

Still Busy

Things are still crazy-busy, but a guy I work with wanted to pick up my Saturday night shift and I happily let him have it. So now I don't have to work again until Tuesday! This makes me super happy.
I don't work Friday nights (I've permanently requested them off) so I almost always work on Saturday nights, and I'm sort of ambivalent about it. Yes, it's usually good money on Saturday nights, but my entire Saturday is wasted. I usually have to go in at 4 on Saturdays, and when you sleep until 12 or 1:00 on weekends (and I usually do) then there's not really time in the day to do anything worthwhile before work, and since I don't usually get off until around midnight, there's no time to do much of anything after work, either. So yeah. I won't be making any money this weekend, but I think that's a perfectly acceptable tradeoff considering I might actually get some time to relax AND work on my thesis this weekend. Plus I think the universe must have sent me some good karma for giving up my Saturday night shift considering the lunch shift was really busy both yesterday and today and I've already made decent cash this week.

And maybe I'll have time to do an actual blog post this weekend. I don't know what I consider an "actual blog post", since I guess that's pretty much exactly what I'm doing right now. This is in actuality a blog post. But I guess I just don't find it very fulfilling to keep typing "I'm so busy!" over and over and over again, and I don't think any of my readers (all ten of you, ha) really want to keep reading about it, either.

So yeah. Maybe I'll have time to tell some stories this weekend.

Oh, and if you're ever in Austin, I recommend this restaurant . It's just as delicious as it is lovely. It's a bit pricey since it's upscale Japanese-some of the items are REALLY pricy, one steak was being sold for 14 dollars an ounce-but the sushi rolls are pretty reasonably priced, they have some really cool and quirky appetizers and drinks, and the price is well worth it in my personal opinion. I'd been there once before, but my Dad is in town for a meeting so he took my siblings and I there last night and it was one of the better meals I've had in a while.

Downtown was madness last night, though. A whole bunch of Ohio State fans are in town for the game on Saturday, and people were already tailgating. On Thursday night. Insane. I think I'll stay out of Austin for the rest of the weekend.

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