Sunday, February 05, 2006


I'm not really watching the Super Bowl today. It's on my TV right now, but I didn't opt to go to any parties or make it a social event. Actually, as a general rule my friends don't care much about football, so nothing is going on today anyway. So I'm reading for my Theory class and working on my Directing project and paying attention to the game only to watch commercials and the halftime show, which is how I like it.
I had a pretty full weekend. On Thursday night Matthew threw a little dinner party so Chelsea and I went over to his place for that. It was a lot of fun and I got to meet Matthew's sister and some of his other friends.
Then Friday night my sister came down to hang out, and on Saturday we went shopping at the outlet malls. We visited Matthew's store and I got talked into buying a dress. I really like it a lot, but I have absolutely no idea when I'm going to wear it anytime soon. I think I need to make up a dress-wearing ocassion. Too bad my anti-Valentine is in El Paso so I can't go on an actual Valentine's Day date, 'cause that would have been the perfect ocassion. Oh well.

Saturday night was a lot of fun, too. I went out in Austin with Mandi, Chelsea, and Mandi's niece Lauren. It's strange that Mandi is Lauren's aunt since she's only five years older. They interact much more like sisters or cousins. (I just realized that I spent the weekend meeting everyone's relatives. That's kind of strange.) Anyway, we barhopped on 6th and hit four different bars in a three hour period, we danced a lot, and we didn't have to ward off too many creepy guys but we were looking hot enough to get free drinks from a promoter at one of the bars we visited. So all in all it was a really good night, and I wasn't even hungover this morning.

So anyway, that's what's been going on socially. School-wise things are going well. On Thursday night I gave a fifteen minute lecture that I was working on right up until the moment I got up to speak. My professor ended up giving me a 100 on it, which blew my mind because I seriously thought my grad school professors were morally opposed to giving students perfect scores. It had never happened to any of us before, anyway. This also confirms my suspicion that my sole purpose in life is to be an incredibly successful procrastinator. I really should start giving lessons on my technique.
The most exciting thing about school recently is that I think I may have found a thesis subject. I'm a worrier by nature and one of the things I've been worrying about lately is coming up with a thesis project. I need to declare something by the end of this semester, and prior to this week I had no clue what I wanted to do. Well, Thursday night my professor and main advisor, Dr. C., asked me if I'd be interested in acting as a dramaturg* on a show next year. She said I could be an assistant dramaturg on a show in the fall semester and then be head dramaturg in the spring semester. One of my friends is dramaturging as his thesis project right now, so I asked Dr. C. if I could make that my thesis project as well, and she said she doesn't see why not. So...if everything works out with the way the season is set up next year I may have a thesis project! Acting as a dramaturg would be a lot more fun than writing a massive research paper, too, 'cause my research would be used for a show and I'd get to collaborate with the director and the production team and have something visual to show for all my hard work. Something my friends and family would actually want to come see and enjoy, as opposed to me handing my parents a manuscript and saying, "Here, read this thesis that you're not going to be interested in or understand anyway!"
So yeah, I'm excited about that possibility. And now I can use that worrying part of my mind to focus on other worrisome things, like what the hell I'm going to be planning to do with my future at this time next year. Because if there's one thing I enjoy it's worrying about things way, WAY in advance.
Back to my reading.
*Unless you're really into theatre you probably don't know what a dramaturg does. Hell, even if you are really into theatre you probably don't know what a dramaturg does. And I could explain it to you, but it would be a long explanation and I'm feeling lazy. Maybe one day that will be its own boring entry.

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