Monday, January 30, 2006

An offering to the blog gods

Blog gods is the most fun thing to say that I've made up in my head today.
The most fun thing to say that I didn't make up in my head today is this: "The Chilean government fears this invasion of giant beavers." I swear to god that's an actual quote I heard in a story on NPR tonight as I was driving home from a rehearsal. Apparently these beavers have invaded Chile from an island off the coast (an island they weren't supposed to be on in the first place) and now they're eating fish and mussels, which is not a natural part of a beaver's diet. So they've gotten huge. They're like, seventy pound beavers. And the Chilean government fears them. This is not a made-up story, this is actual news. And I love it. I immediately wrote the quote down in my playwriting journal when I got home. I'm not sure how I'd possibly work a quote about giant Chilean beavers into any play I might write, but maybe it'll provide some inspiration for...something.

Anyway, I'm making an entry right now because if I don't do it right now odds are another entire week will go by without a blog entry and somehow in my head that's just unacceptable even though I have absolutely nothing exciting to say anyway.
In current news, I almost killed my laptop last night. I picked up my water bottle, which was sitting right beside my computer, and as I picked it up a couple of drops of water sloshed out onto my keyboard. I'm not exaggerating when I say it was only three little drops of water, but damn if that H20 didn't wreck total havoc. My keyboard went nuts and the keys weren't typing the right letters and symbols. So I sat on the floor blowdrying my keyboard on low for, oh, about forty minutes. It was not my finest moment. The thing is, I thought I had fixed it. When I went to bed last night it seemed to be working just fine. But when I woke up this morning the keyboard wasn't working at all. So I bought an external keyboard and plugged it into my laptop and this is working fine temporarily. Rueben-the-computer-fixer-guy is supposed to come over tomorrow afternoon to fix the laptop itself. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he CAN fix it, because this giant keyboard attached to my laptop is incredibly annoying. I guess I should just be grateful I didn't ruin it entirely, though. It could be worse.
In the continuing files of CRAZY, remember that guy who freaked me out talking through my window just before the holiday break? The guy who likes me but who I'm not interested in at all? I did an entry about him back in December, I would link to it but I'm being lazy. Well, I've been avoiding him for weeks and weeks now. He still calls me two or three times a week and I ignore his call every single time. You'd think at some point he'd give up, but no, he persists in believing that I'm just really busy but that eventually I'll have time in my schedule to go out with him. At least he has stopped coming by my apartment uninvited, but he's replaced that annoying habit with the equally annoying habit of stopping me in the halls and parking lots at school and saying hi to me and then berating me for not saying hi to him first. I swear, he has managed to tell me about six times since the semester started that he's hurt that I don't say hi to him. Truthfully, I would probably ignore him even if I did see him. But the fact is, I'm not ignoring him on purpose. I really just don't notice him. And it's not a personal thing against Crazy, I unintentionally ignore a lot of people. I walk really fast and I am always thinking about things and working things out in my head, and that's especially true when I'm on campus. When I'm on campus I'm not in relaxation/play mode, I'm in work mode. I'm usually running late, and I'm always thinking ahead to what is coming up in class or at work and what I'm going to be expected to do. That combination is not very conducive to noticing people and saying hello. So I pretty much don't say hi to anyone unless they say hello to me first. End of story. But apparently I'm supposed to stop in my tracks and say hello to him and he finds it extremely insulting when I don't. So I've managed to avoid him successfully for an entire week, until tonight when I went up to school to make the box office deposit and he happened to be sitting on the steps in the lobby. Damn. I walked right past him into the box office and he followed me (uninvited, of course) and then made the very astute observation, "Oh. You're still managing the box office this semester?" (No, dude, I just have a pair of keys and I come up here after hours and sabotage things to screw up the person who actually manages the box office). Anyway, I said yes and he said, "I guess since you have to work the box office you can't come see the show with me then?" and I said, "Nope, I can't. I got your message last week [in which you invited me to do something TWO WEEKS FROM NOW in the hopes of pinning me down way in advance because you just don't comprehend that I purposely always have plans when you call, Crazy] and I can't do it so I didn't call you back." He then proceeded to congratulate me for actually waving hello to him last Wednesday. For the record, I have absolutely no recollection of waving hello to him last Wednesday. For all I know I did, because like I said I'm not paying much attention to my surroundings when I'm walking on campus so it's entirely possible I waved to him. I don't know why the hell I'd do that even subconsciously though, so it might not actually have been me. Anyway, I told him that I don't remember waving to him, and he got all indignant and said, "I'm just trying to compliment you on actually being observant for once," and I said, "And I'm just telling you that I still wasn't being observant because I don't remember seeing you or doing that. I'm just not an observant person." And he replied, "Yeah, that's what I've heard. "
"Yeah, that's what I've heard"? He makes it sound as if all the undergrad kids I barely know sit around on the lobby steps talking about how unobservant I am. As if that's my reputation. Some people sleep around, others are alcoholics, others are nerds, Ashley is unobservant. What the hell? Who on earth would actually have a conversation about that? There's no way he and other people have sat around talking about how I never notice anyone. He's so bizarre.

Well, I need to go. I'm having to reapply for all my scholarships (they don't just renew automatically here if you keep your grades up, which annoys the hell out of me but that's a whole other entry) so I need to touch up my resume, and I have Dramaturgy stuff to read. So much to do, always.
I think I might go to Padre for spring break, though, drive down and meet Mike and his friends. That would be so much fun. I hope it works out.

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