Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Horrible Day!

So today is Valentine's Day. Mike started referring to it as "Horrible Day" years ago when we were first dating, and we still call it that. Actually, he called it "Terrible Day" the other day but I had to correct him, 'cause it's all about the alliteration.
My Horrible Day was by no means horrible. It was mostly uneventful.
The best part about it was that Mike was my "anti-Valentine", and he sent me boat shoes for Valentine's Day!
It's those ones, to be exact. Seafoam blue boat shoes! I think he mostly bought them kind of as a joke since he's really obsessed with boat shoes right now, but they're surprisingly cute and really comfortable. I was all preppy today in my khaki skirt and my boat shoes. I dig them.
Otherwise I did nothing for Valentine's Day. I had a really long day of school and then work, and by the time I got home this evening I didn't want to do anything other than eat Jack in the Box and chill.

Unfortunately, I have a hell of a lot of stuff to do between now and Thursday and I'm actually kind of stressed right now, so I couldn't really relax like I wanted to. I have an imaging project due in my night class on Thursday and it's not hard to do but it's very time consuming. I'm sure I'll be working on it all day tomorrow and probably right up until class time on Thursday. I've already decided I'll skip my morning class Thursday to continue working if I have to, since there's no time like the present to start the downward spiral of skipping one class to prepare for another!
So I used my time productively tonight and watched Garden State so that I could write my analysis about it for Playwriting (it's times like that when I realize I can't bitch all that much about studying theatre, as sometimes my homework is quite literally watching movies). That's one project for Thursday done, anyway. I forgot that Garden State always makes me cry, though, and now I'm sort of regretting that I watched it. I love that movie so much, but I cry every. single. time. I keep waiting for the time I can finally watch it without crying at the end, but even if I'm not that emotionally invested in it I still end up tearing up at the end. It's that part where he tells her to look at him but she won't because she's crying and he's like, "Look at me. I've only known you for four days and you've changed my life." Gah. And then he comes back to her at the end and he's all emotionally screwed up but they're gonna find some way to work it out because they know they belong together...damn.

Anyway, I should probably go to bed so I can get stuff done tomorrow. I'm ready for Friday already.

P.S.-My mom sent me a new bra for Valentine's Day (as she does every year), and this year it is awesome. It is the only bra I've ever had that makes me seem like I have serious cleavage. It's very similar to this one, in the "exotic fuschia" color. Oooh, exotic fuschia. Seriously, I had a couple of bras that I go to whenever I need a boost in the cleavage department, but I'm totally done with those ones now. This one blows them away.
There, I showed you my underwear. Happy Valentine's Day.

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