Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I'll Post a Real Entry Again Someday

...but in the meantime, here's the results of my Personal DNA quiz

Isn't it pretty? I found the results pretty accurate, too. The only thing that sort of bugged me is that the results describe me as "highly earthy" when what I think they really mean is "down-to-earth and/or grounded" since they have set earthy up as the opposite of imaginative/daydream-y. Earthy and down-to-earth are not the same thing. Or at least I've never considered them synonymous terms before.
Oh, and I also got a kick over how many times the results state that I am "not the least bit impulsive," which is completely and utterly true. I'm pretty much the least impulsive person I know, and the only time I impulsively do anything at all is when someone else is basically forcing me to do it. Ha.

I reserved my move today. A company is going to deliver two storage cubes to my apartment on May 30th and then on the 31st they're going to move my stuff in the cubes to D.C., where they'll wait for me for a couple of months. This is nice because it means when I have to drive 3-5 days in July/early August I won't be doing it in a U-Haul. I can't believe it is already less than a month until my move. I think I'm kind of in denial about the fact that this is actually happening, and soon.

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