Saturday, January 06, 2007

Why I Can't Wait for March

Guess what I did yesterday!

I bought a ticket to see Justin Timberlake in Dallas on March 5th!! I've always liked him as a solo artist, but over the past month or two I've found myself growing more and more...well, "obsessed" is a bit too extreme a word to describe it. Fixated? Completely incapable of dragging myself away anytime I come across one of his videos? Yes. Not to mention Justin Timberlake is the only man in the entire universe that Kymberli and I both find sexy. Seriously, we never, ever find the same guy attractive, and most of our friendship has been spent with one of us saying, "He's so hot" and the other one raising her eyebrows and saying, "Really? If you say so..." (which is possibly why we're such great friends, because we're never in a situation where we want the same guy). I think the fact that we both agree that Justin Timberlake is sexy is proof that the boy truly has universal sex appeal. Although for me it's not a physical thing, since I think he looks exactly like every other semi-handsome white male in America. It's all about his current image with the disheveled suits and that sort of Michael Jackson/Rat Pack/rap star mix he has going on that shouldn't work at all but somehow does. Oh, and the dancing. Mmmm, the dancing.
That's mainly why I bought a concert ticket, actually. I just want to see the guy dance for an hour and a half. I think it's gonna be great. I'm going with my brothers (Shane and Gus, my Adopted Mexican Brother). We invited Chelsea, too, but she's not at all interested in Justin Timberlake (How? How is that possible?). We don't have great seats since we bought the cheapest tickets possible (I love Justin, but I don't 150 dollars love him), but I don't care. I'm just excited to be going. I figure we'll go up for just the night, and I'm hoping to stay with Katy and Scott or some of my other DFW friends. It will be good to see them.

So that's Really Exciting Thing Number One.

As for Even More Exciting Thing Number Two, guess what else I bought yesterday!

A plane ticket to go to New York City for spring break!!!! Mandi got her ticket, too. (Incidentally, did you know that Jet Blue offers a direct flight from Austin to JFK and that tickets for said flight cost less than what I paid to fly home to El Paso in October? Crazy!) I can't believe we're actually going to do this trip for real. Mandi and I have been talking about New York for an entire year, so the fact that we finally have plane tickets feels surreal. We celebrated our purchase by drinking a bottle of champagne and saying, "I can't believe we're really going!" over and over again.
Now comes the really fun part where we pick which shows we want to see and plan all the nerdy hick-tourists-in-the-big-city things we need to do while we're there. We're going to be there for five entire days and six nights, plenty of time to make fools of ourselves. Mandi has never been there at all, so I can't wait to see her reaction to everything. (This will be my fourth trip, I think, although this will be the longest time I've stayed in the city itself since every other time I've been there I was just doing day trips from New Jersey. This will also be the first time that I'm legally old enough to appreciate the nightlife.)
The thing I'm looking forward to most is having my two closest friends in the same place. We're going to stay with Kymberli and Cody for most of the week, and I can't wait for Kymberli and Mandi to meet. I hope they get along. I'm pretty positive they will.

So I have to get through the next two months of thesis writing and box office managing and Ph.D. applications and waiting tables, and I have to do it all spending as little money as possible so that I can afford to tear it up New York City for a week. But with that much to look forward to in March, I have plenty of good stuff to keep me going!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


love, kymbo :)