Thursday, October 20, 2005

Also, since that other sentimental entry wasn't enough for one evening

One more thing, before I go to sleep (and I really should go to sleep):

When I ask you, "Do you think I'm the reason you're so anti-relationships nowadays?", a good answer to the question is NOT "I don't know. Maybe."

Unless of course your intention is to send me on a guilt trip wondering if it's possible that I could actually have screwed you up that badly (incidentally, I don't think I could possibly have been that important, but what do I know?) and to confuse me because on various other occasions you have told me that I was in fact a model girlfriend and that you compare other women to me.

If those are in fact your intentions, you have succeeded admirably.

I will give you this much, though: at least you're honest! And hey, I'm the idiot that asked that loaded question in the first place. I should know better.

P.S.-I just took Cohen out and noticed that my next door neighbor's door is propped open slightly. Not intentionally, more like he went inside, closed his door, and it just didn't latch all the way. Add this to the list of Really Crazy Things I Know I Shouldn't Do But Can Barely Resist Doing Anyway: Flinging his door open at 2:45 in the morning and yelling, "HOWDY, NEIGHBOR!" just to see what his reaction would be. Really, I'd be doing him a service. Someone should really teach him to deadbolt his door at night.

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