Sunday, April 30, 2006

Theatre of the Taco

Somebody read this brief synopsis of Artaud's Theatre of Cruelty, please. Now tell me that I'm not losing my mind. The third paragraph does in fact say "Tacos are the rulers of the world. Theatre of the Taco", right?

I read that right now and it just about killed me. I've been working on my Theory final since 3:00 this afternoon with just a few short breaks, so obviously I'm kind of tired and bored with the whole thing and I wouldn't put it beyond myself to hallucinate the Theatre of the Taco thing.

I want to know who typed that. I'm a big fan of Wikipedia and use it for quick references all the time, but never as a completely reliable reference, and this is exactly why. Anyone can write a Wikipedia entry and include any nonsense they want. This is by far the best nonsense I've ever seen, though. I wonder why the writer included it in the first place. Just to be weird? Or maybe in the hopes that some kid would copy and paste it into a research paper and try to pass it off as his own work and then have to explain to the professor why he included the stuff about the taco in the middle of the paper? Anyway, it made me laugh.

I don't have time for a real entry, since I really do have to finish this final tonight. It's not due until Wednesday, but I figure if I can get this (at least mostly) done tonight then tomorrow and Tuesday can be for writing my From Morn to Midnight paper and Wednesday and Thursday until 6:00 can be for working on my Dramaturgy final. I only have 1 1/2 essays left to write on the Theory exam, so I guess I should just watch a couple more hours of Sopranos and get this test over with.

Found out I got an A on my Directing scene, by the way. That's awesome. I'll turn in my journal for that class tomorrow and then be done with it and I should get an A in the class for sure even if for some reason he hates my journal. Theory will be an A, Dramaturgy should be as long as I don't fuck up the final and the paper (I think I can fuck up one or the other, but not both). Now it's just Playwriting I'm worried about, which sucks because that was supposed to be my blow off class. It has nothing to do with my degree plan, I just took it because I needed twelve hours of course work. I'm gonna be pretty pissed off if I get a B in that class. Oh well, everything is already turned in for that class so it's too late to change anything now. I'll just keep my fingers crossed, I guess.

Alright. Back to the theatre of cruelty and futurism and absurdism...sadly, I bet the Theatre of the Taco is more interesting than all of those things combined.

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