Tuesday, April 25, 2006

One Track Mind

Proof that I've already been a grad student way too long:
During my nap this afternoon I dreamt that Amanda and I were at a lecture given by Michel Foucault. Of all the things my subconscious could have thrown out for me to dream about, I get a Foucault lecture? I'm dreaming about attending lectures by French philosophers. There's something very wrong about that. From here on out I'd like my brain to confine thoughts of post-structuralist theory to waking hours only, thank you.
The dream-lecture was actually strangely fun, though. Amanda and I were drinking copious amounts of red wine, as in we each had our own bottle of wine and were pouring glass after glass throughout the lecture. Everyone around us was drinking wine, too, and it was really more party than lecture. The weirdest thing about the dream (as if dreaming about Foucault isn't weird enough in and of itself) was that after the lecture I was walking home along a riverbank and I accidentally dropped my cell phone into the river and decided to strip off all my clothes and dive in after it. Except that I wasn't wearing real clothes, I was wearing just a toga (?!) and I didn't seem to care too much that there were quite a few people around who saw me jump into the river naked. Actually, I'm not sure why jumping into the river after my phone involved being naked in the first place, because in real life I sure wouldn't waste time stripping my clothes off. Who would?! I did manage to save the cell phone and get it working again, though. The phone was bright red.
Because of the wine and the cell phone I decided that red was a significant color in the dream. So just out of curiousity I looked up the meaning of dreaming about the color red. Turns out red symbolizes raw energy, intense passion, and sexual impulses. I take this to mean that my dream is implying that I haven't been getting laid enough lately. Surprise, surprise.

P.S.-Did you click on the link? There's a reference to Foucault's time at the Ecole Normale Superieure, which makes me laugh because in Theory class tonight Kelly was lecturing on Pierre Bourdieu, another Ecole Normale Superieure attendant. Kelly speaks fluent French and has a perfect accent (she majored in French at her college in Thailand). I mention all this just to say that five minutes into her lecture Kelly fires off the phrase "Ecole Normale Superieure" in perfect French and then says "I wonder about that. Is it normal, or is it superior? Maybe only superior to a certain degree," and then without missing a beat she continued her lecture while the rest of us almost collapsed trying to contain our laughter. Maybe you had to be there to understand how spot-on her delivery was, or maybe you just have to know her and understand Kelly's quirky, dry sense of humor (after 8 months of friendship I still can't always tell when she's kidding and when she's being dead serious), but it was funny as hell.

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