Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Put a Fork in Me

I just finished printing out my script analysis for directing, my final project for the semester. Know what that means? It means this semester is OVER. Hell yeah!!! I mean, it's not officially over until I go to my Directing final tomorrow, but since my Directing final consists of turning in my production book and script analysis and then sitting around for two hours discussing the shows that were performed a week and a half ago that I now barely remember, it's basically over.
The end of a semester is always such a relief. I love the first few days of vacation best, the days when I'm sitting around thinking, "There's something I should be doing right now, isn't there?" and realizing, there's not!! It's one of my favorite feelings in the world.
This break is going to be especially good, because it will be the first break since my junior year of high school where I literally get a total break and don't have to do anything unless I feel like it. Senior year of high school I spent Christmas break finishing college applications. Freshmen through junior year of college there was always the burden of spring auditions hanging over my head. Not that I ever actually seriously prepared for spring auditions until the day before spring auditions (Which incidentally may be why I was never cast in a mainstage spring show...well, that and the fact that even when I am prepared I'm the suckiest auditioner on the planet. Suffice it to say there's a reason I focus on directing and theatre history nowadays) but I spent every day of Christmas break thinking to myself, "I really should choose a monologue today" and then not actually doing it and then stressing because I hadn't done it. Senior year of college I spent Christmas break working on graduate school applications. Next year I'll probably spend Christmas break working on my thesis.
But this year? This year I'm actually going to take a real break. I don't have any school work to do, I don't have a job that I need to go to, I already submitted to a call for papers that has a deadline over winter break so I don't need to stress about that. Hell, I've even already done the majority of my Christmas shopping. It's going to be a very relaxing holiday.
Thursday I'm loading up my car with everything I need for a three week trip, everything the animals need for a three week trip, and Cohen AND Jose themselves, and heading up to Fort Worth to celebrate Jenny's graduation, see Kymberli's show, and have some early Christmas fun with all of my friends there. Plans include, um, drinking a lot, probably. I haven't actually made any plans other than confirming with Kymberli that my pets and I can stay with her and confirming with Jenny that yes, I'm down to party hard. So I don't know what to expect in Fort Worth, but I'm sure it will be fun.
On Sunday I'm heading to El Paso, where I'll be until just after New Year's Day. Plans include all the traditional holiday festivites with my family, plenty of time chillin' with Mike and Co., hopefully getting together for drinks with some of the high school friends who've recently found me again on MySpace (has anyone else experience a MySpace explosion in the past month? Suddenly I'm getting friend requests every day, which is weird 'cause I've been on MySpace for over a year now), and ensuring that Morty, Cohen, Lola and Marley don't kill each other in a massive dog fight when all of my family members' dogs meet for the first time.
January 2nd Mom, Dad, Chelsea and I are off to Las Vegas to celebrate Chelsea's 21st birthday. I think maybe my grandparents are coming, too. Shane opted to skip out on the trip so that he can host poker parties and hook up with bitches while we're all out of town, I guess. That and somebody has to take care of the above-mentioned pack of dogs that will be at my house over Christmas. There will also be a pack of cats, but they can take care of themselves. (As a sidenote, none of us even have actual childen yet and Christmas at my family's house is already getting ridiculous). Also, don't feel too bad for Shane, since he's only 18 and can't really properly enjoy Las Vegas anyway. Vegas plans include a lot of black jack and A LOT of drinking. And dressing up, 'cause I like dressing up in Vegas even though nobody else really does anymore.
Then January 6th Mike will be driving back with me (and the animals) to San Marcos. He's gonna visit me for almost a week. Plans so far include hanging out on Sixth Street, outlet mall shopping, Fazoli's, Freebirds and all the other restaurants Mike is deprived of in El Paso, and lots of time spent in the hot tub (and, let's be honest here, my bedroom).
I love that the only things on my to-do list right now are fun things.
Anyway, it's 3:30 AM (despite the fact that the timestamp on this dumb journal probably says something totally different) and I have my last class at 11:30 tomorrow, so I need to sleep.
I may not update again for a while since I highly doubt I'll update from Fort Worth. Miss me until next week...or until I get bored and start rambling again tomorrow.

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