Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I'm back!
The past however-many-days-I've-been-gone-from-here have been crazy. Padre was STUPID. In some ways it was stupid in the best possible way, and in other ways I'm amazed that somehow we made it through the week without anyone drowning/being arrested/making a trip to the emergency room. All in all it was about 70% really fun and awesome, and 30% depressing, which is actually a higher percentage of good than I was expecting. Ultimately I ended up being glad I went. It wasn't everything I hoped it would be, but it was worth going for sure, so that counts for something.
Then this past weekend Jenny, Ellen, Katy, and Kymberli all came down from Fort Worth to visit me. Girls' Weekend was great and much needed. I wish there was some way we could do it more often, but even finding this one weekend when we were all free took a couple of months of planning and a lot of luck.
Anyway, I'll describe all of spring break in more detail eventually (I want to, anyway. No promises of course).

In meantime, I have a hell of a lot of work to do right now. This week is definitely a hell week with three major assignments due Thursday. I've finished two of them, but I'll be up all night tomorrow for sure. I've also been feeling more mopey ever since break ended. That makes me kinda mad, because I thought I'd actually feel better once spring break was over and I didn't have to worry about how seeing Mike was going to be. Instead, I actually feel worse now. I mean, I don't feel worse than I did a month ago, but I feel worse than I did on break or just prior to break, you know? So I'm on a mission to stay as busy as possible to keep myself distracted. If I can't get over this I can at least keep myself occupied so I stop acting all emotional and crazy, and eventually I figure I will forget about all this if I stay busy enough. Here's hoping, anyway!

Ooh, I do have a really awesome update, though. I talked to my advisor yesterday, and she asked if I was still interested in doing a dramaturgy project for my thesis. I said yes, and she said the season is pretty much set and so get this: There's about a 99% chance that I'm going to get to do my thesis project on The Rocky Horror Show! I'm going to write my graduate thesis on The Rocky Horror Show! Who does that?! I'm pretty sure that that is the most awesome thesis topic ever of all time and I really hope it works out. My other option is Tennessee Williams' Night of the Iguana, but that's not nearly as much fun because there are billions of thesis projects on Tennessee Williams. But The Rocky Horror Show? Not so much. Anyway, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that that works out.

Alright, I have to go work on the 600,000 things I should be doing right now, including finishing my storyboard for Directing. It's more or less a collage, which--if you're keeping track--is the third collage project I've done this semester. That's pretty ridiculous. I think I'm gonna put that on my CV. Special skills: Collaging.

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