Sunday, November 20, 2005

Any man of mine

This morning I was on the phone with Mike and we got on the subject of how he's a girl juggler, how he'll sometimes have several girls he's dating/seeing/talking to/whatever all together at the same bar on the same night and how he's proud of his ability shall I say this...well, to work all of them simultaneously without pissing anybody off.
I admitted to him that yes, that's a skill, and that most guys suck at that. But I also told him that women aren't stupid and that we always see through that no matter how smooth the guy is. I warned him that the minute he leaves, all of the girls get together and wonder aloud who he's really interested in and what kind of game he's trying to play. Any woman reading this knows I'm right, because that's what girls do. And I warned him that right now the girls are playing along, but that they won't play along forever.
And I think any woman reading this will agree. If not, forgive me for generalizing. But seriously, here's how it works for me, and I'm assuming for most people because I see it in action all the time.
If I'm out somewhere and I run into a guy I'm interested in, and he's clearly flirting with me as well as several other girls at the bar, I'll play along for one night. Why? Because it's competition. In that way guys are smart. They know that we girls instinctively want to beat out all of the other girls and be the most desirable one in the room, so we're gonna do our best to look hot, to turn on the charm, to come across as witty and sexy and fun. I do it, and every other girl I know does it whether she admits it or not. The hope is always that I'm gonna be the "winner", that even though said guy has been flirting with half a dozen people over the course of the night, I'm the one that's going to get the phone number, the ride home, the goodnight kiss, the invitation to come home with him, the prize.
The thing is-and I really do believe this-the better girls are only going to play the game for so long. I personally will only work for a guy one time. Maybe, maybe twice, if I really think that there's an undeniable special bond between us. I find it degrading to have to work for a guy's attention. Call it old school if you will, but I believe if a guy is really interested in me he's going to be the one to ask for my number, he's going to call me, he's going to leave his group of friends to come over to talk to me, etc. I just don't believe that a guy I could have a great relationship with is going to make me be the one to make the first move and work for the relationship. Simply because that's not the sort of guy I'm attracted to. I believe that if the guy is right for me I won't have to work hard to attract him. And vice versa, since I don't think the right guy will have to work hard to attract me, either.
I would like to believe that any girl with self confidence and self respect feels the same way. If this sort of attitude makes me hard to get, or a snob, so be it. I personally don't feel like that's the case. Mike sort of implied that this attitude is going to make it hard for me to find a guy, but I disagree completely. It's gonna make it easier for me to find a guy that's compatible with me.
It works like this: Say Hypothetical Guy, Hypothetical Slut, Hypothetical Angel-Girl, and I are all at a bar. HS, HAG (haha, hag) and I are all flirting with HG. If HG doesn't realize pretty quickly that I'm the best of all of the girls he's flirting with and make some sort of commitment to me (taking my number and not theirs, talking much more to me than to them, whatever), then he's obviously not the one for me. Maybe he can't see that I'm the best. Maybe for him I'm honestly NOT the best (which is often the case and I readily admit that, I by no means believe I'm the best possible girl in the world for every guy). In either case, I'm not gonna try to convince him otherwise. Because the thing is, I am confident enough to believe that there are enough guys in the world who will naturally think that I AM the best girl for them that I shouldn't have to bust my ass convincing the others to fall for me. And if that's not the case, if there's not a single guy in the world for whom I'm the most desirable girl on the planet, then I'd rather just be alone. I would honestly rather be single forever than to be with a guy that I had to work for.
Because I think I'm a pretty good catch. I'm not perfect. I'm nowhere near it. I have plenty of flaws that a lot of people would never want to deal with. But I'm smart and driven and am the sort of person that will always make ends meet no matter what I have to do and will never just sit at home drinking up the paycheck. I'm really good at keeping the house neat. I won't give you a hard time about having women friends because I'm good at keeping jealous feelings to myself (when I have them at all). I'll let you go to strip clubs and watch football and play videogames without complaining about it (well, so long as you're not playing videogames instead of like, holding down a steady job). I'll even do those things with you if you want me to! I'm pretty and ( am determined to never be one of those married women that lets herself go and if my mother is any indication I might even get better looking as I get older. I am adventerous and like to travel and try new things and I'd be willing to try almost any crazy idea you had in mind. I don't expect fancy presents and I don't want to be spoiled. I'm very easy-to-please. I have a great sense of humor. I'm a lot of fun in bed. I think I'd be a really good (albeit somewhat neurotic) mother to your children-even though I can't guarantee I won't let the shopping cart go in a parking lot with our child still strapped into the seat. I'll make you feel really, really special.
The best possible guy out there for me will realize all of that without me having to throw myself at him to make him see it. He's going to be able to see how awesome I am on his own, without me having to find a way to convince him. I believe that.
And that's why this girl doesn't work for any man.

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