Friday, March 09, 2007


I feel the need to update, although I don't know why. I have nothing to say that's not

A) The same boring school-related stuff I've been talking about for months [my thesis advisor has declared me "in good shape" and I'm determined to finish the thing as much as I possibly can before I leave on Tuesday...I mean, I'm sure I'll have to do more edits once it goes to committee, but for all intents and purposes it will be finished]

B) Completely mundane [I got a hair cut today, nothing extreme but I really like it. I'll be cleaning my apartment this afternoon because it needs to be done, badly.]

or C) Stories about how much fun I'm having right now. My life is fun to live right now, but it's always more intriguing to hear about people's hard times as opposed to their good times. That's just how it is. When people write about how great their life is, you kind of just want to hit them. [Case in point: My life is so easy right now. Minor concerns about the future, sure, but nothing major keeping me up nights. No big projects to worry about any time soon. Tons of free time. The weather is beautiful. I'm healthy, my family is healthy, my friends are healthy. No guy problems to speak of (no guy to speak of at all, truthfully, although that feels like a very minor issue these days). I threw a party last night and it was really laid back and so much fun. We're thinking about bar hopping in San Antonio this weekend for a change, which should also be fun. I'm going to New York in three I said, fun to live, not exactly entertaining reading]

The only remotely bad thing going on right now doesn't even concern me directly. Mandi broke up with her boyfriend of two years on Wednesday night, and I think it's the right decision (I mean, if she gets back with him I'll be supportive because he's a nice guy and only she knows what goes on in their private life, but for now I think she's making the right decision in at least taking a break) but it's really hard for her and she's sad and since I was in a very similar position this time last year it's making me extra sad for her because I know exactly how she feels and I know there's nothing I can do to make her feel better in any significant way. I'm hoping New York will be really good for her and take her mind off of everything.

But yeah. I'm here and doing well, and now there's a whiny basset hound at my feet that wants to go for a walk, so I'm out of here.

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