Monday, June 19, 2006

I Hate Titles

I only have an hour and a half break between classes right now, so you're not going to get much of an entry today because I'm really hungry and I need to actually go buy a sandwich before our next class. We have a voice class with a lady we haven't met yet this afternoon so it will be interesting to see what she's all about.
Speaking of voices, we made the fascinating discovery on Saturday afternoon that I have no tendon attached to the bottom of my tongue. You know when you lift your tongue up towards the roof of your mouth how most people have a tendon underneath it and some people's are much shorter than others (and some people are actually born literally tongue-tied and have to get it snipped)? Well, it would seem that I don't have a tendon at all. I mean, obviously I must have one, I don't think my tongue would function for speech without one, but it's not visible at all. Apparently Gene Simmons doesn't have one either and that's why his tongue is so damn freaky. Anyway, Dr. C noticed it first (honestly, I can't remember why we were all showing each other our tongues in the first place) and then she showed Patricia whose major focus is speech and voice, and Patricia was like, "Wow, I've never seen that before." So now I'm wondering if the rest of my family is like me and if it's a genetic thing or if I seriously have a mutated tongue. So, family, check it out and report back to me. This is assuming you even know what the hell I'm talking about, of course, since I realize this isn't the best description ever. Anyway, I've decided that this is an attribute. There's nothing to tie my tongue down and keep it from going wherever it wants, if you know what I mean...

Anyway, I didn't end up doing much of anything interesting on my day off yesterday. My group worked on blocking our scene in the park for a while and then six of us went and ate dinner at a pub. I had this Indian curry dish and it was pretty awesome. This morning we took a group outing to Hall's Croft, the home belonging to Shakespeare's daughter Susanna and her husband John Hall. He was a doctor so the house was full of medical gadgets and information about medical practices in Shakespeare's day and slightly later. There was this absolutely horrifying display of forceps that would be enough to put anyone off the idea of getting pregnant and having a baby. It's also amazing the amount of things they thought could be cured by eating ground up cooked mice. Gross, gross, gross. The garden at the house was beautiful and it had a big open yard. It was actually probably my favorite house that we've visited so far in terms of the structure of the house itself.
This morning after our tour we had another sonnet focus session with Paul and at the end Dr. C had Alex and I read our sonnets that we wrote back in Texas to the class. You remember, the sonnet I posted on here a couple of weeks back? She liked it! And it made Paul laugh, too. I just thought it was ridiculous, but apparently it was also "creative" and a good use of the form.

Alright, a tomato and cheese baguette is calling to me from down the street, so I'm outta here. I'll probably talk to you all tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

YAAA i get to be the first to leave a comment on this blog!!! asho i miss you bunches!!! i hope you are having fun, and it sounds like you i have to admit im shocked that i havent heard of any english boys that you have captured their hearts.....or maybe those are in the censored blogs lol....anyways i love and miss you bunches and cant wait to see you!!! soo much is going on and im freaking out lol....tell amanda i'll be waiting for her lol love you all!!!

Anonymous said...

Ashley--I just had to fight with your dumb brother to let me look under his tongue to see if he has a tendon. He does, but it's not nearly as visible as mine! How weird. I'll have to get back to you about Dad's!
We had a nice father's day yesterday with Grandma and Grandpa. Grandpa had all the scoop on the Linda/Jr. wedding which took place on June 10th. (Grandpa didn't go to the wedding, he just heard about it) Lots of drama, but suffice it to say my uncle didn't even go to the wedding. What a crazy bunch that is in FLA! Liz is on her way to get me--we're off to lunch and a movie. She took today off, so I sped through work so I could spend the afternoon with her. I am going to show her the videos Chelsea made--they are so cute! I don't blame you for crying! Talk to you again soon--I love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

You ass. Don't ever say tomato, mozarella, and baguettes in one sentence again or I'll eat your face. I forgot to tell you some interesting walk stories. Yesterday Cohen collaped in the grass by that huge baptist church by my place and some crazy korean church going chubby lady asked me in accented English if Cohen was alright. I was like yeah he's just lazy and she goes is she pregnant? I justed looked at her and said no, he's tired. Pregnant... he doesn't look pregnant! Also, on another walk last week Morty ate a snake skin. Why there was a shedded snake skin on 40th street I'll never know but Morty ate half of it. Finally the boys new favorite walk game is to look under cars for cats. Now that they know the cats hide out under the cars cuz it's shady they insist on looking under every car for cats they can scare. Morty banged his head twice on cars today. Idiots. Also freakin Cohen insists on flopping on me everytime he goes to sleep that punk. He weighs a lot and has claws! Jose just jumped up here to give me crazy looks and lick his paws so I better go before he shuts down the computer.

Anonymous said...

Chelsea-you are right about Jose. Remember that time he completely changed your printer or something? And once I believe he typed his name. That cat is trying to take over the word through the internet by making his crazy innocent at actions seem completely accidental.

LO-RRAINE! I miss you. Mom is coming tomorrow to pack stuff up. Just the thought of packing all this shit up makes me want to die. That's weird about your tongue. I was going to look at mine, but I forgot...and now I'm in bed and all comfortable. So maybe later. Oh, who are we kidding...I'll forget. OK. Have a beautiful day and know that I love you!!!!!!!!!!! -Love, Kymbo

Anonymous said...

When I said "your printer"...I actually meant Ashley's printer. For some reason when I write on this thing, I feel like we're all the same room and can see when I change my eyeline and gestures to indicate someone else that I'm talking about.



*A* said...

Matthew!!-You finally have internet access, hooray! And nope, no interesting English boys so far. I'm celibate right now, remember? (Ha. Haha.)

Chelsea-Why can't I describe a sandwich?! Funny stories about the boys on the walks. Cohen definitely doesn't look pregnant (unless you've been feeding him A LOT for the past week). And thinking about Morty eating a snake skin made me laugh out loud.

Kymberli-Good luck with the packing and the moving!