Monday, June 26, 2006

Don't Fight for Me, Argentina

So I was going to go to the actual research library right now thinking that it opens at 9:30 AM, but it turns out it doesn't open until 10:00. So I'm killing half an hour here in the public library instead and I figured I'd blog real quick right now so that later on this afternoon I can do "productive" things like rehearsal and paper writing. Everyone is really starting to freak out about the amount of work we have to finish this week but honestly, I'm not all that worried about it. I'm feeling confident that I'm going to get everything done with no problems. I am the queen of procrastination in Texas and I always get things done there, so why should it be any different here?

Anyway, my weekend was good. Saturday night ended up being completely ridiculous. It was Amanda's birthday yesterday, so we celebrated on Saturday night by going out to this club called Bureau. We had to be at the club before 10:00 so that we only had to pay a three pound cover charge, so Alex Meh decided that we needed to start the pre-party at like, 5:00 in the afternoon. So at first it was just the third floor crew (the five of us are probably the bad influence of the group, which isn't saying much at all considering prior to Saturday night the worst any of us had done was Alex was five minutes late to a class one day...because he was in the library printing a paper. Oh yeah, we are TROUBLE). Then after awhile John, Jen, and Chris came upstairs and joined us. Between the eight of us we finished off a bottle of Courvessier (I never know how to spell that and I'm too lazy to look it up), a bottle of mead that Alex had bought at the Tower of London, and two 2 litre bottles of Strongbow. They sell beer in 2 litre plastic soda bottles at the convenience stores here. It's kind of exciting. So anyway, by the time we even got to the club most of us were already buzzing, and then there were a couple of rounds of shots and these bottled vodka energy drinks that seemed like a great idea at the time but in all actuality are the devil. We ended up having a great time at the club. All ten of us went and were hanging out together dancing and laughing, and it was so much fun to have the whole group together like that. Lots of ridiculous things ended up happening, and I'm just gonna leave it at that. Nothing regretable or bad happened, but I definitely did a couple of things I would not have done had I been totally sober. Let's just put it this way: Amanda and Liz took over 250 pictures on Saturday night, and on Sunday morning we deleted about a hundred of them as they were too incriminating. Haha. Actually, that makes it sound worse than it was. It wasn't that bad, really, although my first thought when I woke up on Sunday morning was basically, "Wow. Why did last night exist?!" It was fun, though. After all, it wouldn't be a trip to England without one group drunk crazy night! Oh, and in case you were curious about the title, Argentina had played in the football game on Saturday night and as we were all leaving the club at 2 a.m. these three drunk British men were standing outside singing what they called their "anti-Argentina song" , which apparently was just singing "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" loudly and off-key and replacing the word "cry" with the word "fight".

Anyway, yesterday was a very low key day. I did some shopping in the morning. I got two more really cute shirts at H&M and then I finally broke down and bought this basset hound sculpture that I've been staring at in a shop window for two weeks now. It was a completely impractical purchase as it is a good-sized fairly heavy stone sculpture now packed in a 2X2 box with a bunch of styrofoam and I have to figure out how I'm going to get it on the plane, but I couldn't resist it. It's a very cool sort of artsy sculpture and the artist that makes them lives right here in Warwickshire so it's not like I could get it anywhere else. And hey, I thought about it for two entire weeks before buying it, so it definitely wasn't just a dumb impulse purchase. I already know exactly where I'm putting it in my apartment and everything!
Anyway, we watched the England game at the pub yesterday afternoon and continued celebrating Amanda's birthday with this absolutely disgusting cake that Liz bought at Morrison's. It was decorated with the soccer players' faces. I took a great picture of Liz eating Wayne Rooney's head.

Anyway, my time is almost up here and I have to go hit the Shakespeare library to finish up my research so that I can hopefully start writing my paper tonight.

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