Saturday, May 13, 2006

Really Lame Stuff I Did Today

I don't know if this is a sign that I'm an adult or just a really pathetic neat freak, but while I was cleaning my apartment this afternoon I kept thinking about how much I long for one of those fancy Dyson vacuums. If I got a sudden windfall of cash, I would spend part of it on a vacuum cleaner, and I'd be happy about it. Who daydreams about having enough money to buy a new vacuum cleaner?!

So yeah. I cleaned my apartment today. The absolute only other things I did today were 1) work out and 2) read The Da Vinci Code. I borrowed it from Matthew so I could re-read it before Chelsea and I see the movie when it comes out. Matthew got a promotion last week (yay!) and has to move to Houston (boo!). He thought he wasn't going to have to move until June, but now it turns out they want him in Houston on the 21st, which means he'll be leaving here while I'm still in El Paso. And since I'm going to El Paso the day after tomorrow, I'm doing some speed reading so I can get his book back to him. I realize Houston is just a few hours away and I could easily make a day trip and see him in person and give the book back to him then. And I do intend to visit him in Houston, I just figure I might as well finish the book now anyway, especially since I have a whole stack of library books on my nightstand waiting to be read. Ah, few things in life make me happier than a stack of unread fiction!!

Hmmm, I've already admitted my pathetic vacuum daydream and the nerdy revelation that few things get me more excited than a stack of library books. I was trying to think of something else to share with you, but that's probably enough damage done for one day.

Oh, wait, here's one more complete reputation-damager: I have spent not one, not two, but EIGHT HOURS today watching a Brady Bunch marathon. Given, I've been reading and cleaning and working out at the same time. But still, I have had the TV tuned to the Brady Bunch for eight hours. And counting. Yeah.

P.S.-Today is the one year anniversary of the day Chelsea surprised me with Cohen! Best. Surprise. EVER. In five minutes it will be the one year anniversary of the day I graduated from TCU. I can' t believe it has already been an entire year. Unbelievable how much can happen in a year, really.

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